
Research Interests

  • Scientific Computing and Visulization
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics with application to Hydaulic, Hydrological and Environmental Engineering (Numerical methods for PDE,High Performance Computing)
  • Computational Aeroacoustics with application to Human Speech Production

Main Courses

  • Signal and Systems (Undergraduate)
  • Statistical Data Analysis (Graduate)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (Graduate)

Work Experience

2016.07-Present, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cognitive Computing and Application, School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Associate Professor

2013.01-2016.06, High Performance Computing Centre, School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Assistant Professor

2012.10-2012.12, Shenzhen Research Institute, City University of Hongkong, Research Fellow, with Prof. K.M. Liew

2010.10-2011.03, Technology Centre for Gas Turbine Transmission Systems, University of Nottingham, Visiting Scholar, with Dr. A. Kruisbrink, Prof. F. Pearce


2008.02-2012.06, Eindhoven University of Technology, Ph.D. in Scientific Computing. Advisors: Dr. A. Tijsseling, Prof. R.M.M. Mattheij

2007.04-2008.01, Tongji University, Ph.D. study in Wind Engineering. Advisor: Prof. M. Gu

2004.09-2007.03, Northwestern Polytechnical University, MSc in Engineering Mechanics. Advisor: Prof. J. Ren

2000.09-2004.07, Northwestern Polytechnical University, BSc in Civil Engineering (Major) with International Economics and Trade (Minor)

********************************************* Projects **************************************************

1. Natural Science Foundations of China, Lagrangian modeling and experiments of mixed flow and surges in urban stormwater storage and sewer systems (No. 51478305), Project Leader, 2015.01-2018.12

2. The Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, Simulation and experiment of impact force induced by liquid slug travelling in pipelines, Project Leader, 2015.01-2016.12

3. Open Project of SKL of HESS, Hydraulic resonance in hydro-turbine system (No. HESS-1408), Project Leader, 2014.07-2016.06

4. China Special Fund for Hydraulic Research in the Public Interest, Cloud-based software generating platform service for simulation and calculation in hydraulics (No. 201401033), Project team member, 2014.01-2015.12

5. EU Project (EC-HYDRALAB-III-4), Transient vaporous and gaseous cavitation in pipelines (No. 022441-RII3), Deltares|Delft Hydraulics, Project team member

6. EU Project (EC-HYDRALAB-III-5), Unsteady friction in pipes and ducts (No. 022441-RII3), Deltares|Delft Hydraulics, Project team member

7. Natural Science Foundations of China, Prediction and control of vibration characteristic of complex composite structure by travelling wave and standing wave methods (No. 10202020), Project Researcher

8. Natural Science Foundations of China, Boundary parameter identification and on-line early warning of the piping system based on travelling wave theory (No. 50475147), Project Researcher

******************************************* Publications ************************************************

Journal Papers

[27] Q. Hou, S. Li; A.S. Tijsseling; J. Laanearu. Discussion of "Rigid Water Column Model for Simulating the Emptying Process in a Pipeline Using Pressurized Air", ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2019, accepted.

[26] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou*, Z. Bozkus. Rapid liquid-filling of a pipe with venting entrapped-gas: analytical and numerical solutions. ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 2019, accepted.

[25] Q. Hou,S. Li,L. Lin,A.S. Tijsseling. Impact force on end obstacles due to water slug travelling in a void steam line: A review. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2019. Accepted (in Chinese).

[24] Q. Hou,S. Li,L. Lin. High velocity water slug impact in steam pipeline of NPP. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2019, 39(1): 18-23. (in Chinese)

[23] Z. Song, Y. Xing, Q. Hou, W. Lu*. Second-order symmetric smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for transient heat conduction problems with initial discontinuity. Processes, 2018, 6(11), 215, 1-18. (EI: 18169861)

[22] F. Wang, Q. Hou*, D. Pan, J. Wei, J. Dang. A hybrid method for acoustic analysis of the vocal tract during vowel production. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2018, 10733, 68-77. (EI: 18153887)

[21] F. Wang, Q. Hou*, J. Deng, S. Wang, J. Dang. Particle interaction adaptivity and absorbing boundary conditions in the Lagrangian particle aeroacoustic model. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2018, 10733, 48-57. (EI: 18169861)

[20] W. Lu, Y. Cai, J. Wei, Q. Hou*, Z. Wang and J. Dang. Simulation of heat conduction in fluids on GPU with particle method. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., 2017, 32(6): 481-489. IF: 0.524

[19] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou*, Z. Bozkus and J. Laanearu. Improved one-dimensional models for rapid emptying and filling of pipelines. ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 2016, 138(3), 031301, 1-11. IF: 0.357

[18] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and Z. Bozkus. An improved 1D model for liquid slugs travelling in pipelines. ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 2016, 138(1), 011301, 1-8. (SCI: 000351328000002, EI) IF: 0.357

[17] J. Han, J. Wei, Q. Hou*, S. Wang and J. Dang. SPH Simulation of Aeroacoustic Problems in Vocal Tract. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2016, 56(11): 1242-1248. (in Chinese)

[16] J. Laanearu, Q. Hou, I. Annus, A.S. Tijsseling. Water-column mass losses during emptying of a large-scale pipeline by pressurized air. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2015, 64(1), 8-16. (SCI: 000351328000002, EI) IF: 0.455

[15] J. Wei, S. Wang, Q. Hou*, J. Dang. Generalized finite difference time domain method and its application to acoustics. Math. Prob. Eng., 2015, 640305, 1-13. (SCI: 000357894600001, EI: 15543289) IF: 0.762

[14] Q. Hou, A.S. Tijsseling, J. Laanearu, I. Annus, T. Koppel, A. Bergant, S. Vučkovič, A. Anderson and J.M.C. van’t Westende. Experimental investigation on filling of a large-scale pipeline. ASCE J. Hydraul. Eng., 140(11), 2014, 04014053, 1-14. (SCI: 000344005700002, EI: 201448266590) IF: 1.621

[13] Q. Hou, A.C.H Kruisbrink, F. Pearce, A.S. Tijsseling and T. Yue. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of flow separation at bends. Comput. Fluids, 90, 2014, 138-146. (SCI: 000330916000014, EI: 14588910) IF: 1.619, 引用9

[12] Q. Hou, A.S. Tijsseling and Z. Bozkus. Dynamic force on an elbow caused by a traveling liquid slug. ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 136(3), 2014,031302, 1-11. (SCI: 000336442100008, EI: 20141017433727)

[11] Q. Hou, L.X. Zhang, A.S. Tijsseling and A.C.H Kruisbrink. SPH simulation of free overfall in open channels with even and uneven bottom. Appl. Mech. Mater., 444-445 (2014), 889-893. (WOS: 000338974900155, EI: 14423537)

[10] A. Bergant, Q. Hou, A. Keramat and A. S. Tijsseling. Waterhammer tests in a long PVC pipeline with short steel end sections. J. Hydraul. Struct., 2014, 1(1): 23-34.

[9] A. Keramat, A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and A. Ahmadi. Fluid-structure interaction with pipe-wall viscoelasticity during water hammer. J. Fluids Struct., 28 (2012) 434-455. (SCI: 000301161800027, EI: 20120414719530) IF: 2.021, Cited38times

[8] J. Laanearu, I. Annus, T. Koppel, A. Bergant, S. Vukovi;, Q. Hou, A.S. Tijsseling, A. Anderson and J.M.C. van’t; Westende. Emptying of large-scale pipeline by pressurized air. ASCE, J. Hydraul. Eng., 138, 12 (2012), 1090-1100. (SCI: 000312708000009, EI: 20131816293574) IF: 1.621

[7] Q. Hou, L.X. Zhang, A.C.H Kruisbrink and A.S. Tijsseling. Rapid filling of pipelines with the SPH particle method. Procedia Eng., 31 (2012), 38-43. (WOS:00031409460007, EI: 20121114857380)

[6] Q. Hou, M. Gu and J. Ren. Analysis of behaviour of axial vibration of buried pipelines by travelling wave method. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 37, 5 (2009), 618-622 (in Chinese).

[5] J. Ren and Q. Hou. Stress analysis of shallowly buried fluid-conveying pipeline under impulsive excitation. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 29, 3 (2008), 645-650 (in Chinese).

[4] Q. Hou and J. Ren. Earthquake induced hydrodynamic pressures in liquid-conveying pipeline. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 26, 6 (2007), 129-132+145 (in Chinese).

[3] A. Han, Z. Wu, Q. Hou and X. Zhang. Some important parameters for the earthquake resistance design of buried pipelines. Yellow River, 32, 4 (2010), 118-119 (in Chinese).

[2] X. Yuan, Z. Wu, Q. Hou and A. Han. Effects of soil properties on buried pipeline. Yellow River, 32, 5 (2010) (in Chinese).

[1] J. Ren, C. Deng and Q. Hou. Vibration and sound radiation of truss core panels. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 334-335: 969-972. (WOS: 000245033100243, EI: 20070810435365)

Refereed Conference Papers

[28] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and Z. Boskus Moving liquid column with entrapped gas pocket and fluid-structure interaction at a pipe’s dead end: a nonlinear spring-mass system.. ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 15-20, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, PVP2018- 84570.

[27] Q. Hou, X. Zhao, C. Huang, A.S. Tijsseling, H. Duan. Hydraulic transient analysis using SPH in density summation form. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH 2018) 4 – 7 June, 2018, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

[26] Q. Hou, W. Liu, S. Li, Y. Xing. Hydrodynamics problems in the rapid filling process of deep stormwater tunnels. The Fifth Chinese (International) Strategy Forum on Water Ecology and Safety, April 11-14, Zhengzhou, China (in Chinese)

[25] C. Huang, J. Deng, Y. Xing, Q. Hou*, A.S. Tijsseling. Simulating shock waves with corrective smoothed particle method (CSPM). The SHERIC Beijing International Workshop, Beijing, China, October 16-20, 2017.

[24] C. Huang, W. Lu, Y. Xing, Q. Hou*, X. Cheng. Image processing with SPH method. The SHERIC Beijing International Workshop, Beijing, China, October 16-20, 2017.

[23] J. Shen, W. Lu, Q. Hou*, Y. Xing, A.S. Tijsseling. Particle trajectory calculation in SPH. The SHERIC Beijing International Workshop, Beijing, China, October 16-20, 2017.

[22] F. Wang, Q. Hou*, D. Pan, J. Wei, J. Dang. A hybrid method for acoustic analysis of the vocal tract during vowel production. The 11th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP2017), Poster, Tianjin, China, October 16-19, 2017

[21] F. Wang, Q. Hou*, J. Deng, S. Wang, J. Dang. Particle interaction adaptivity and absorbing boundary conditions in the Lagrangian particle aeroacoustic model. The 11th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP2017), Poster, Tianjin, China, October 16-19, 2017

[20] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and Z. Boskus. Analytical solutions for liquid slugs and PIGS traveling in pipelines with entrapped gas. ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 16-20, 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States, PVP2017-65755, 1–8 (EI: 20174704419969)

[19] Q. Hou, C. Huang, J. Wei, L. Zhou, H. Duan. Meshless particle methods for solving the water hammer equations. The Second Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics (CCSH’2016) Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, November 20-23, 2016. pp 315-320.

[18] C. Huang,Q. Hou,J. Wei. A Lagrangian particle model for transient pipe flow with a moving boundary. The Nineth National Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Octctober 20-23, Nanjing, China. (in Chinese)

[16] J. Wei, W. Guan, Q. Hou*, D. Pan, W. Lu, J. Dang. A new model for acoustic wave propagation and scattering in the vocal tract. Interspeech 2016. pp 3574-3578.

[16] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and Z. Boskus. Analytical and numerical solution for a rigid liquid-column moving in a pipe with fluctuating researvoir-head and venting entrapped-gas. ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels Piping Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 17-21, 2016, PVP2016-63193, pp 1-8.

[15] Z. Wang, O. Delestre, Q. Hou*, J. Wei and J. Dang. SPH simulation of pollutant transport in rivers. International Conference on Civil, Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCTHE 2016), Shenzhen, China,April 16-17, 2016, DB2609, pp 1-4.

[14] Q. Hou, S. Wang, A.C.H. Kruisbrink and A.S. Tijsseling. Lagrangian modeling of fluid transients in a pipe with entrapped air. Proceedings of BHR 12th International Conference on Pressure Surges (Editor, A. S. Tijsseling), Dublin, Nov. 18-20, 2015, pp 215-227.

[13] J. Laanearu, Q. Hou and A.S. Tijsseling. Experimental and analytical modelling study of air-water front dynamics of two-phase unsteady flows in a large-scale pressurized pipeline. Proceedings of BHR 12th International Conference on Pressure Surges (Editor, A. S. Tijsseling), Dublin, Nov. 18-20, 2015, pp 625-637.

[12] A. Bergant, R. Mavric, A. S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou, B. Svingen, Structural response of a pipeline apparatus to pulsating flow at resonance and non-resonance conditions. 6th IAHR Meeting of the Work Group, IAHRWG 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015.

[11] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and Z. Boskus. Analytical solutions for liquid slugs travelling in pipelines with entrapped air. ASME 2015 Pressure Vessels, Piping Conference, Boston, July 19-23, PVP2015-45184, pp 1-8.

[10] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou and Z. Boskus. An improved 1D model for liquid slugs travelling in pipelines. ASME 2014 Pressure Vessels; Piping Conference, California, July 20-24, PVP2014-28693, pp 1-7. (EI)

[9] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou, B. Svingen and A. Bergant. Acoustic resonance experiments in a reservoir-pipeline-orifice system. ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels; Piping Conference, Paris, July 14-18, PVP2013-97534, pp 1-8. (EI)

[8] Q. Hou, A.C.H Kruisbrink, A.S. Tijsseling and A. Keramat. Simulating transient pipe flow with corrective smoothed particle method. BHR 11th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Lisbon, Portugal, October 24-26, BHR2012-19, pp 1-17.

[7] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou, B. Svingen and A. Bergant. Acoustic resonance in a reservoir-double pipe-orifice system. ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels Piping Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 15-19, Paper 2-78085, pp 1-8. (WOS: 000323865600028; EI: 20133716713605)

[6] A.S. Tijsseling, Q. Hou, B. Svingen and A. Bergant. Acoustic resonance in a reservoir-pipeline-orifice system. ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels Piping Conference, July 18-22, 2010 Bellevue, Washington, USA, Paper PVP2010-25083, pp. 303-314. (WOS: 000291334900040; EI: 20114514483237)

[5] A. Bergant, J.M.C. van’t Westende, T. Koppel, J. Gale, Q. Hou, Z. Pandula and A.S. Tijsseling. Water hammer and column separation due to accidental simultaneous closure of control valves in a large scale two-phase flow experimental test rig. ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 18-22, 2010 Bellevue, Washington, USA, Paper PVP2010-26131. (WOS:000291335500114; EI: 20114514483188)

[4] A. Bergant, Q. Hou, A. Keramat and A.S. Tijsseling. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Water Hammer in a Large-Scale PVC Pipeline Apparatus. 4th IAHR WG Meeting, Oct. 26-27, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia.

[3] A. Vardy, A. Bergant, S. He, C. Ariyaratne, T. Koppel, I. Annus, A.S. Tijsseling and Q. Hou. Unsteady skin friction experimentation in a large diameter pipe. 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Editor P. Rudolf), October 14-16, 2009, Brno, Czech Republic, Paper P10, pp. 593-602.

[2] Q. Hou, M. Gu and J. Ren. Added stress in liquid-conveying pipeline induced by hydrodynamic pressures due to earthquake. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Vibration Theory and Application. Edited by Zhu W.Q., October 2007, Hangzhou, China (in Chinese).

[1] Q. Hou, J. Ren and G. Cao. Earthquake-induced hydrodynamic pressures in penstocks below a dam. Proceedings of 1st National Conference on Rock and Soil Mechanics Engineering in Water Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering. November 2006, Kunming, China (in Chinese).