

Video Super-Resolution Using an Adaptive

Superpixel-Guided Auto-Regressive Model


Kun Li, Yanming Zhu, Jingyu Yang, Jianmin Jiang



This paper proposes a video super-resolution method based on an adaptive superpixel-guided auto-regressive (AR) model. The key-frames are automatically selected and super-resolved by a sparse regression method. The non-key-frames are super-resolved by simultaneously exploiting the spatio-temporal correlations: the temporal correlation is exploited by an optical flow method while the spatial correlation is modelled by a superpixel-guided AR model. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing benchmark in terms of both subjective visual quality and objective peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). The running time of the proposed method is the shortest in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods, which makes the proposed method suitable for practical applications.


Fig. 1. Framework of the proposed method.



Source code with datasets: download code here

It is based on VLFeat (//www.vlfeat.org/).


Evaluation on Publicly Available Datasets

       1. Quantitative Evaluation

Table 1 : Quantitative evaluation for super-resolution performance of different algorithms (PSNR dB).

       2. Qualitative Evaluation

Fig. 2. Super-resolution results for News recovered by (b) Bi-cubic, (c) Method in Ref.[5], (d) MSR in Ref.[6],
(e) HSR in Ref.[6], and (f) Our method, compared with (a) Ground truth.


Fig. 3. Super-resolution results for Shields recovered by (b) Bi-cubic, (c) Method in Ref.[5], (d) MSR in Ref.[6],
(e) HSR in Ref.[6], and (f) Our method, compared with (a) Ground truth.


Evaluation on More Datasets


Fig. 4. Three video sequences: (a) Surveillance, (b) TV, (c) Lab.

        2. Super-Resolution for Surveillance Video

Fig. 5. Super-resolution results of Surveillance sequence by magnifying 3 times.
Top row: the 1st frame result. Middle row: the 11st frame result. Bottom row: the 21st frame result.

                3. Super-Resolution for TV Video

Fig. 6. Super-resolution results of TV sequence by magnifying 3 times. Top row: the
2nd frame result. Middle row: the 3rd frame result. Bottom row: the 4th frame result.

                4. Super-Resolution for Lab Video

Fig. 7. Super-resolution results of Lab. From left to right: the 63rd frame result, the 65th frame result and the 67th frame result.

Evaluation on Running Time

Table 2: Running time of various algorithms


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