
Shiguang Liu's Homepage

Ph.D.,  Professor


School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University
Tianjin, 300072  P.R. China
E-mail: [email protected]

I am currently a professor at School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, P. R. China. In 2007, I received a Ph.D. from State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University under the supervision of Prof. Qunsheng Peng.  From July to September 2009, I was a visiting researcher at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. From Sept. 2010 to Mar. 2011, I was a visiting scholar at MSU. I served as an associate research professor at KAIST from Oct. 2012 to Apr. 2013. My main research interests include computer graphics, computer animation, image/video processing, visualization, virtual reality, etc.



Research Interests

Research Projects

Selected Papers




 Research Interests

·         Realistic simulation/synthesis

·         Physically based modeling/animation

·         Image/video processing

·         Visualization

·         Virtual reality

·         Computer games

 Research Projects

·         “Study on the key techniques on multi-modal mixed fluid simulation”, National Natural Science Foundation of China  (PI)  
·         “Simulation of mixed fluid”, National Natural Science Foundation of China  (PI)  
·         “Study on the standard for digital conservation of movable historical relics, ” Sub-project under National Science and Technology Support Program (Co-PI)
·         “Simulation of natural phenomena under extreme conditions”, The Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China  (PI)
·         “Detail enhancement and interactive editing for fluids”, the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (PI)
·         “Fast rendering of large-scale dynamic nature scenes”, Chinese Academy of Sciences   (PI)
·         “Automatic adjustment of remote sensing images”, Peking University   (PI)
·         “Creative elements extraction from digital historical relics”, Sub-project under National Science and Technology Support Program (Main investigator)
·         “Visual analytics, visualization and user interface”, National Natural Science Foundation of China   (Main investigator)

 Selected Publications

·         Xiaoyong Zhang, Shiguang Liu*. SPH fluid control with self-adaptive turbulent details. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 26(3-4), 2015, pp. 357-366.
·         Shiguang Liu, Yinwei Wei. Fast nearest neighbor searching based on improved VP-tree. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 60-61, 2015, pp. 8-15. 
·         Shiguang Liu, Di Chen. A computational approach to digital hand-painted patterns on cloth. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, 2015 (In press)
·         Shiguang Liu, Zhuojun Yu. Sounding fire for immersive virtual reality. Virtual Reality, Vol. 19, 2015 (Accepted)
·         Shiguang Liu, Huarong Luo. Hierarchical emotional color theme extraction. Color Research & Application, Vol. 40, 2015 (Accepted)
·         Shiguang Liu, Dongfang Fan. Computer modelling and simulation of fruit sunscald. International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 15(3), 2015, pp. 1550013-1~13.
·         Shiguang Liu, Yixin Xu, Junyong Noh, Yiying Tong. Visual fluid animation via lifting wavelet transform. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 25(3-4), 2014, pp. 475-485.
·         Shiguang Liu, Di Chen. Computer simulation of batik printing patterns with cracks. Textile Research Journal, Vol. 84(20), 2014 (to appear)
·         Shiguang Liu, Huarong Luo. Emotional color theme extraction. Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia, poster, Article No. 27, 2014
·         Yuan Xiong, Shiguang Liu*. Large-scale water simulation based on spherical projected grid (SPG). Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia, poster, Article No. 35, 2014
·         Meng Zhang, Shiguang Liu*, Hanqiu Sun, Weixin, Si, Yinling Qian. Hybrid vortex model for efficiently simulating turbulent smoke. Proc. of VRCAI, 2014, pp. 71-79.
·         Taekwon Jang, Doyub Kim, Mi You, Shiguang Liu, Junyong Noh. A geometric approach to animating thin surface features in SPH water. Proc. of CASA, 2013.
·         Shiguang Liu, Yuan Xiong. Fast and stable simulation of virtual water scenes with interactions. Virtual Reality, Vol. 17(1), 2013, pp. 77-88. 
·         Shiguang Liu, Xiang Zhang. Image colorization based on texture map. Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 22(1), 2013, pp. 013011:1-9.
·         Shiguang Liu, Wangda Zhang. Cartoon-style simulation of water coupled with objects. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 31, 2013¸ pp. 52-62. 
·         Shiguang Liu, Xiang Zhang. Automatic grayscale image colorization using histogram regression. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33(13), 2012, pp. 1673-1681. 
·         Shiguang Liu, Hanqiu Sun, Xiang Zhang. Selective color transferring via ellipsoid color mixture map. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 23(1), 2012, pp. 173-181.
·         Chen Huang, Hanqiu Sun, Shiguang Liu, Ping Li. Interactive soft-fabrics watering simulation on GPU. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 22(2-3), 2011, pp. 99-106. 
·         Shiguang Liu, Tai An, Zheng Gong, Ichiro Hagiwara. Physically based simulation of solid objects' burning. Transactions on Edutainment, Vol. 7, 2012, pp. 110-120.
·         Shiguang Liu, Qiguang Liu, Qunsheng Peng. Realistic simulation of mixing fluids. The Visual Computer, Vol. 27(3), 2011, pp. 241-248.
·         Shiguang Liu, Qiguang Liu, Tai An, Jizhou Sun, Qunsheng Peng, Physically based simulation of thin-shell objects burning, The Visual Computer, Vol. 25(5-7), 2009, pp.687-696. 
·         Shiguang Liu, Zhangye Wang, Zheng Gong, Qunsheng Peng. Simulation of atmospheric binary mixtures based on two-fluid Model. Graphical Models, Vol. 70(6), 2008, pp. 117-124.
·          Shiguang Liu, Zhangye Wang, Zheng Gong, Lei Huang and Qunsheng Peng. Physically based animation of sandstorm, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol.18, 2007, pp. 259-269.
·         Shiguang Liu, Ruoguan Huang, Zhangye Wang, Qunsheng Peng. Texture based simulation of dynamic cloud scene, Proc. of CAD/Graphics, 2007, pp.144-149.
·         Shiguang Liu, Zhangye Wang, Zheng Gong, Qunsheng Peng. Real time simulation of a tornado. The Visual Computer, Vol. 23(8), 2007, pp. 559-567.
·         Shiguang Liu, Zhangye Wang, Zheng Gong, Changbo Wang and Qunsheng Peng. Physically based simulation of Buddha Glory, Progress in Natural Science, Vol. 16(6), 2006, pp. 656-662.
·         Shiguang Liu, Zhangye Wang, Zheng Gong, Pengcheng Wu and Qunsheng Peng, Real-time generation of infrared dynamic sky scene, Proc. of MIPPR, 2005, pp. 604502~1-9.




            Computer Graphics (undergraduate)
            Computer Games (undergraduate) 
Visualization (Undergraduate) 
            Image Synthesis (Graduate)


        Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, The Visual Computer, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, IET Image Processing, Science in China Series F,
       Lu ZengYong CAD&CG High-Tech Awards, 2007
       The Excellent Advisor for Undergraduate Students, Tianjin University, 2008, 2011