
Curriculum Vitae








Ri Qu (曲日), Dr.(博士), Professor(教授)

School of Computer Science and Technology

Tianjin University

Tianjin, China, 300072


Email: [email protected]





Career development and education qualification


Tianjin University, Professor

Tianjin, China


Open University, Visiting Research Fellow

Milton Keynes, UK


Technical University of Denmark, Visiting Research Fellow

Longby, Denmark


Open University, Visiting Research Fellow

Milton Keynes, UK


Open University, Visiting Research Fellow

Milton Keynes, UK


Tianjin University, Associate Professor

Tianjin, China


Tianjin University, Lecture

Tianjin, China


Tianjin University, BSc., MSc. and Dr. Degree

Tianjin, China


Course teaching

Bachelor course: Discrete mathematics

Postgraduate course: Advanced mathematical logic


Research interest

Quantum communication and quantum computing


Project experience

973 project (National Basic Research Program of China), NSFC project (National Natural Science Foundation of China), military projects.


Recent first-authored journal papers (in the last 3 years)

[1]. Qu Ri, Shang Bing-jian et al.,  Multipartite entanglement in Grover’s search algorithm. Natural Computing 14 (4), 683 (2015).

[2]. Qu Ri, Shang Bing-jian et al.,  Bipartite entanglement and hypergraph states. Quantum Information Processing 14 (2), 547 (2015).

[3]. Qu Ri, Ma Yi-ping et al., Entropic measure and hypergraph states. Quantum Information Processing 13 (2), 249 (2014).  

[4]. Qu Ri, Li Zong-shang et al., Computing hypergraph Ramsey numbers by using quantum circuit. Quantum Information Processing 12 (7), 2487 (2013).

[5]. Qu Ri, Ma Yi-ping et al., Relationship among locally maximally entangleable states, W states, and hypergraph states under local unitary transformations. Physical Review A, 87 (5), 52331 (2013).

[6]. Qu Ri, Li Zong-shang et al., Multipartite entanglement and hypergraph states of three qubits. Physical Review A, 87 (3), 032329 (2013).

[7]. Qu Ri, Wang Juan et al., Encoding hypergraphs into quantum states. Physical Review A 87 (3), 022311 (2013).

[8]. Qu Ri, Zhao Su-li et al., Hypergraph Ramsey numbers and adiabatic quantum algorithm. International Journal of Quantum Information 10 (6), 1250067 (2012).