
欢迎浏览孙达志的主页 [English Version]

  工作单位: 天津大学 计算机科学与技术学院 软件与计算科学系
  研究方向: 信息与网络安全 可信问题 应用密码学
  通讯地址: 天津大学 计算机科学与技术学院 天津市津南区海河教育园 雅观路135号
  邮政编码: 300350
  办公地址: 55教学楼B407


2010-    天津大学 计算机科学与技术学院 软件与计算科学系            副教授

2006-2010 天津大学 计算机科学与技术学院 软件与计算科学系           讲师

2007-2011 北京航空航天大学 计算机学院 计算机新技术研究所           博士后



[1] Da-Zhi Sun and Guang-Quan Xu, One-round provably secure yoking proof for RFID applications, in: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications-TrustCom 2017, IEEE, 2017, pp. 315-322.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun and Xiao-Hong Li, Vulnerability and enhancement on Bluetooth pairing and link key generation scheme for Security Modes 2 and 3, in: Kwok-Yan Lam and Chi-Hung Chi (Eds), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information and Communications Security-ICICS 2016, LNCS 9977, Springer-Verlag, 2016, pp. 403-417.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun and Ji-Dong Zhong, Cryptanalysis of a hash based mutual RFID tag authentication protocol, Wireless Personal Communications 91(3) (2016) 1085-1093.

[3] Zhong-Yuan Hao, Wei Guo, Ji-Zeng Wei, and Da-Zhi Sun, Dual processing engine architecture to speed up optimal Ate pairing on FPGA platform, in: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications-TrustCom 2016, IEEE, 2016, pp. 584-589.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun, Zahra Ahmadian, Yue-Jiao Wang, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, and Mohammad Reza Aref, Analysis and enhancement of desynchronization attack on an ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2015/037 (2015).

[2] Shao-Guang Geng, Xiao-Hong Li, Zhi-Yong Feng, and Da-Zhi Sun, Web application architecture security evaluation method based on AADL, in: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems-ICECCS 2015, IEEE, 2015, pp. 186-189.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun and Zhen-Fu Cao, On the privacy of Khan et al.'s dynamic ID-based remote authentication scheme with user anonymity, Cryptologia 37(4) (2013) 345-355.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun, Jian-Xin Li, Zhi-Yong Feng, Zhen-Fu Cao, and Guang-Quan Xu, On the security and improvement of a two-factor user authentication scheme in wireless sensor networks, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 17(5) (2013) 895-905.

[3] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, and Zhen-Fu Cao, A comment on "An efficient common-multiplicand-multiplication method to the Montgomery algorithm for speeding up exponentiation", Information Sciences 223 (2013) 331-334.

[4] Jian-Xin Li, Xu-Dong Liu, Lu Liu, Da-Zhi Sun, and Bo Li, HiTrust: building cross-organizational trust relationship based on a hybrid negotiation tree, Telecommunication Systems 52(2) (2013) 1353-1365.

[5] Xiu-Ming Tian, Guang-Quan Xu, Xiao-Hong Li, Zhi-Yong Feng, and Da-Zhi Sun, Personalized recommendation based on information flow in data intensive services, Journal of Internet Technology 14(5) (2013) 825-834.

[6] Rui Xu, Guang-Quan Xu, Da-Zhi Sun, Xiao-Hong Li, and Zhi-Yong Feng, Improving KeyNote trust management model based on user behavior for social learning, in: Dickson K. W. Chiu, Min-Hong Wang, Elvira Popescu, Qing Li, Rynson Lau, Timothy K. Shih, Chu-Sing Yang, and Demetrios G. Sampson (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Web-Based Learning-ICWL 2013, LNCS 8390, Springer-Verlag, 2015, pp. 96-103.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun and Ji-Dong Zhong, A hash-based RFID security protocol for strong privacy protection, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 58(4) (2012) 1246-1252.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, and Jian-Xin Li, A note on asynchronous multi-exponentiation algorithm using binary representation, Information Processing Letters 112(22) (2012) 876-879.

[3] Da-Zhi Sun, An error in "On a new formal proof model for RFID location privacy", Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2012/031 (2012).

[4] Wei Guo, Ya-Ling Liu, Song-Hui Bai, Ji-Zeng Wei, and Da-Zhi Sun, Hardware architecture for RSA cryptography based on residue number system, Transactions of Tianjin University 18(4) (2012) 237-242.

[5] Yan-Hua Liu, Wei Guo, Ya Tan, Ji-Zeng Wei, Da-Zhi Sun, An efficient scheme for implementation of SM2 digital signature over GF(p), in: Proceedings of Contemporary Research on E-business Technology and Strategy, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 332, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 250-258, 2012.


[1] Jing-Wei Hu, Wei Guo, Ji-Zeng Wei, Yi-Song Chang, and Da-Zhi Sun, A novel architecture for fast RSA key generation based on RNS, in: Proceedings of 2011 Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Programming (PAAP), IEEE, 2011, pp. 345-349.


[1] Zeng Peng, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, and Da-Zhi Sun, On the security of an enhanced novel access control protocol for wireless sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56(2) (2010) 566-569.

[2] Jian-Xin Li, Bo Li, Lin-Lin Meng, and Da-Zhi Sun, HiTrust: A hybrid tree based trust negotiation service, in: Proceedings of IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), IEEE, 2010, pp. 854-859.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, Ji-Zhou Sun, Jian-Xin Li, Analysis of multi-exponentiation algorithm using binary signed-digit representations, International Journal of Computational Methods 6(2) (2009) 307-315.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, Ji-Zhou Sun, Jian-Xin Li, Jia-Wan Zhang, and Zhi-Yong Feng, Improvements of Juang et al.'s password-authenticated key agreement scheme using smart cards, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56(6) (2009) 2284-2291.

[3] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, Ji-Zhou Sun, and Jian-Xin Li, Cryptanalysis of a mutual authentication scheme based on nonce and smart cards, Computer Communications 32(6) (2009) 1015-1017.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, Ji-Zhou Sun, Jia-Wan Zhang, and Zhi-Yong Feng, A new design of wearable token system for mobile device security, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 54(4) (2008) 1784-1789.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun and Zhen-Fu Cao, New cryptanalysis paradigm on a nonce-based mutual authentication scheme, International Journal of Network Security 6(1) (2008) 116-120.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, Ji-Zhou Sun, and Zhen-Fu Cao, An efficient modular exponentiation algorithm against simple power analysis attacks, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 53(4) (2007) 1718-1723.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun, Jin-Peng Huai, Ji-Zhou Sun, and Jia-Wan Zhang, Computational efficiency analysis of Wu et al.'s fast modular multi-exponentiation algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2) (2007) 1848-1854.

[3] Da-Zhi Sun, A note on Chang-Lai's modular square algorithm based on the generalized Chinese remainder theorem, Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(1) (2007) 411-416.


[1] 孙达志,网络环境下认证的几个基础问题的研究,博士学位论文,2006.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun, Zhen-Fu Cao, and Yu Sun, How to compute modular exponentiation with large operators based on the right-to-left binary algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Computation 176(1) (2006) 280-292.

[3] Zhen-Fu Cao and Da-Zhi Sun, Cryptanalysis and improvement of user authentication scheme using smart cards for multi-server environments, in: Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics-ICMLC'06, IEEE, 2006, pp. 2818-2822.


[1] Da-Zhi Sun, Ji-Dong Zhong, and Yu Sun, Weakness and improvement on Wang-Li-Tie's user-friendly remote authentication scheme, Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(2) (2005) 1185-1193.

[2] Da-Zhi Sun and Zhen-Fu Cao, Novel forgery method on some password authentication schemes, Journal of Computation Information Systems 1(3) (2005) 471-475.

[3] Da-Zhi Sun and Zhen-Fu Cao, Improved public key authentication scheme for non-repudiation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(2) (2005) 927-932.

[4] Da-Zhi Sun and Zhen-Fu Cao, Improvement of Lee-Kim-Yoo's remote user authentication scheme using smart cards, in: Li-Po Wang and Yao-Chu Jin (Eds), Proceedings of Second International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery-FSKD'05, LNAI 3614, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 596-599.

[5] Da-Zhi Sun, Zhen-Fu Cao, and Yu Sun, Remarks on a new key authentication scheme based on discrete logarithms, Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1) (2005) 572-575.

[6] Da-Zhi Sun, Zhen-Fu Cao, and Yu Sun, Comment: cryptanalysis of Lee-Hwang-Li's key authentication scheme, Applied Mathematics and Computation 164(3) (2005) 675-678.


[1] 孙达志,江智军,专家系统控制自来水生产的自动加药工艺, 中国给水排水,第19卷 ,第3 2003.

[2] 孙达志,姜俊华,用Windows API配置打印机属性,电脑编程技巧与维护,第82002.

[3] 孙达志,龙伟,电流互感器误差的数字补偿方法,数据采集与处理,第16卷,第2 2001.


[1] 孙达志,孙济洲,张加万,一种抵抗简单电耗攻击的点乘计算方法, 受理号:200810154231.2, 授权号:ZL 2008 1 0154231.2.

[2] 孙达志,王月娇,冯志勇,无线传感网络中基于密码hash计算的一种有效认证方法,受理号:201210578596.4, 授权号:ZL 2012 1 0578596.4.

[3] 孙达志,王月娇,李晓红,RFID系统中基于HB+的一种强安全认证方法,受理号:201210185839.8, 授权号:ZL 2012 1 0185839.8.

[4] 孙达志,毛雅佼,李晓红,许光全,RFID系统中有效转移标签所有权的方法,受理号:201410068882.5, 授权号:ZL 2014 1 0068882.5.

[5] 孙达志,杨博为,李晓红,改进的滑动窗口模幂计算方法,受理号:201410726861.8.

[6] 孙达志,朱泽光,李晓红,许光全,一种适用于实时数据库的安全并发控制方法,受理号:201510264204.0.


☆ 密码学-计算机科学与技术学院本科[2009年春|2009年秋|2010年秋|2011年秋|2013年春|2014年春|2016年春|2018年春].

☆ 密码学-软件学院本科[2008年春|2009年春|2009年秋|2010年秋].

☆ 信息保障和安全-计算机科学与技术学院本科[2010年春|2011年春|2012年春|2013年春|2014年春|2015年春|2016年春|2018年秋].

☆ 现代密码学-信息管理与信息系统本科[2014年春].

☆ 无线网络安全-信息管理与信息系统本科[2014年秋].

☆ 密码学与网络信息安全-计算机科学与技术学院硕士研究生[2012年春|2013年春|2014年春|2015年春|2016年春].

☆ 密码学与信息安全-计算机科学与技术学院工程硕士[2012年秋|2013年秋|2014年秋|2015年春|2015年秋|2016年秋].


☆ 2017年8月1日-8月4日,参加16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2017), Sydney, Australia.

☆ 2016年12月- ,国家留学基金委公派访问Centre for Computer and Information Security Research, School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong, Australia. 合作者:Prof. Yi Mu.

☆ 2016年11月29日-12月2日,参加18th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2016), Singapore,照片.

☆ 2012年3月,邀请Atsuko Miyaji教授访问天津大学计算机科学与技术学院.

☆ 2011年12月,参加2011 FTRA International Symposium on Advances in Cryptography, Security, and Applications for Future Computing (ACSA-11), Jeju, Korea.

☆ 2010年2月,访问Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,照片.

最后更新日期: 2017-07-01.