Chung-Ming Own
Chung-Ming Own has a PhD in Computer Science and Information Engineering, and is currently a associate professor in the College of Intelligence and Computing at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. He has been coaching students and professionals in computer integration projects for over ten years. Chung-Ming believes that the study, invention, and creative use of technologies enable understanding and expression for the human to the life objects.
翁仲铭老师为澳门新葡京网址(亚洲)登录入口 副教授,博士生导师。专长为人工智能、3D视觉辨识、自动驾驶与机器人设计等。
College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China
Chung-Ming (Jash) Own
A320 55th building, College of Intelligence and Computing, Peiyang Campus, Tianjin University, Jinnan District, Tianjin, 300350, China.
Our Work
1992 - 1996
1997 - 2005
2007 - 2008
2013 - 2015
2015 - Now
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
In 2013, he was the research fellow at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, U.S.A.
Fu Jen Catholic University
He received an B.S.E. degree in Information Management from the Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, China, in 1996.
Chung Cheng University
He attended the department of Computer Science and Information Engineering in Chung Cheng University in Chiayi, Taiwan, China in 1997. Under the supervision of Prof. Pao-Ta Yu, he completed the requirement for a Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering in 2005.
St. John’s University
In 2007, Dr. Own was a Assistant Professor of Department of Computer and Communication Engineering of St. John’s University, Taiwan, China.
Tianjin University
In 2015, he accepts the teaching position at College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China till now.
1992 - 1996
1997 - 2005
2007 - 2008
2013 - 2014
2016 - 2019
Georgia Institute of Technology
In 2013, he was the research fellow at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Fu Jen Catholic University
He received an B.S.E. degree in Information Management from the Fu Jen Catholic Universityin Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1996.
National Chung Cheng University
He received a M.B.A. degree in Information Management from the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Yunlin, Taiwan, R.O.C., and attended the department of Computer Science and Information Engineering in National Chung Cheng University in Chiayi, Taiwan, R.O.C. in 1997. Under the supervision of Prof. Pao-Ta Yu, he completed the requirement for a
Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering in 2005.
St. John’s University
In 2007, Dr. Own is the Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer and Communication Engineering of St. John’s University.
Tianjin University
In 2016, he accepts the teaching position at School of Computer Software, Tianjin University till now.
[1].参加 中國台灣经济部、教育部举办2010 RFID 趋势杯应用竞赛 (2010 Tendency Cup),获得应用创新组第二名和远传电信提供企业设题组奖项,作品名称:“轻松顾!宠物管理系统”。
[2].参加 中國台灣RFID产学交流研讨会,获得K12多媒体创意竞赛第三名。
[5].第二届全国高校物联网应用创新大赛华东区二等奖, 题目:“智能置物柜”2015/4
Major Results Application
[1].参加 经济部、教育部举办2010 RFID 趋势杯应用竞赛 (2010 Tendency Cup),获得应用创新组第二名和远传电信提供企业设题组奖项,作品名称:“轻松顾!宠物管理系统”。
[2].参加 RFID产学交流研讨会,获得K12多媒体创意竞赛第三名。
[5].第二届全国高校物联网应用创新大赛华东区二等奖, 题目:“智能置物柜”2015/4
Major Results Application
Artificial Intelligence
3D Computer Vision
Unmanned Driving, Robotic
Internet of Things
[1]. 蔡婷婷、翁仲铭、孟昭鹏、宋琦琪, “学前儿童使用有形和多点触控界面的眼动研究,” 包装工程中文核心期刊, 2021/5/11。
[2]. Nooruddin , Li Wang, Chung-Ming Own*, Rahool Dembani “RB-IRP: Robust Bio-Influenced Routing Protocol for IoT Devices,” Journal of Information Technology and Control, 2020. (Impact Factor: 0.905, SCI 四区)
[3]. Mengxin Liu,Wenyuan Tao,Xiao Zhang,Yi Chen,Jie Li,Chung-Ming Own*, “GO LOSS: A Gaussian Distribution-based Orthogonal Decomposition Loss for Classification,” Complexity, vol. 2019, Article ID 9206053, 10 pages, 2019. (SCI二区, Impact Factor: 2.462, Corresponding Author)
[4]. Chung-Ming Own, Feiyu Sha and Wenyuan Tao, “Triplet Decoders Neural Network Ensemble System and T-Conversion for Traffic Speed Sequence Prediction,” IEEE Access, pp. 162070-162082, vol. 7, 2019. (SCI二区, Impact Factor: 3.745)
[5]. Chung-Ming Own, Jiawang Hou, and Wenyuan Tao, “Signal Fuse Learning Method With Dual Bands WiFi Signal Measurements in Indoor Positioning,” IEEE Access, pp. 131805-131817, vol. 7, 2019. (SCI二区, Impact Factor: 3.745)
[6]. Yang He, Wenyuan Tao, and Chung-Ming Own*,“DFR-net: Learning Dense Feature at the Resolution Level,” IEEE Access, pp. 97013-97020, vol. 7, 2019. (SCI二区, Impact Factor: 3.745, Corresponding Author)
[7]. Fei Teng, Wenyuan Tao, and Chung-Ming Own*,“Localization Reliability Improvement Using Deep Gaussian Process Regression Model”, Sensors, 2018, 18(12), 4164. (SCI三区, Impact Factor:3.031, Corresponding Author)
[8]. Yan Zheng, Yanran Li, Chung-Ming Own*, Zhaopeng Meng and Mengya Gao, “Real-time predication and navigation on traffic congestion model with equilibrium Markov chain”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Network, 2018, 14(4). (IF: 1.614, SCI四区, Corresponding Author)
[9]. Jinwu Wu, Tingyu Zhao, Shang Li, and Chung-Ming Own*, “Belief Interval of Dempster-Shafer Theory for Line-of-Sight Identification in Indoor Positioning Applications”, Sensors, 2017, 17(6), 1242. (SCI三区, Impact Factor:2.475 Corresponding Author)
[10]. Kehan Liu, Zhaopeng Meng, and Chung-Ming Own*, “Gaussian Process Regression Plus Method for Localization Reliability Improvement,” Sensors, 2016, 16(8), 1193. (SCI三区, Impact Factor:2.677, Corresponding Author)
[11]. Xiaoyang Wen, Wenyuan Tao, Chung-Ming Own*, and Zhenjiang Pan,“ On the Dynamic RSS Feedbacks of Indoor Fingerprinting Database for the Localization Reliability Improvement,” Sensors, 2016, 16(8), 1278. (SCI三区, Impact Factor:2.677, Corresponding Author)
[12]. Chung-Ming Own, Zhaopeng Meng, Kehan Liu, “Handling Neighbor Discovery and Rendezvous Consistency with Weighted Quorum-Based Approach,” Sensors, Vol. 15, pp.22367-22344, 2015. (SCI三区, Impact Factor:2.033)
[13]. Haw-Yun Shin, Chung-Ming Own*, “Implementing a Green Bicycle Alliance Using a Wireless Sensor Network,” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 16, pp. 103-112, 12/2014. (SCI四区, Impact Factor: 0.85, Corresponding Author)
[14]. Chung-Ming Own, Da-Sheng Lee, Ti-Ho Wang, De-Jun Wang, and Yu-Lun Ting, “Performance Evaluation of UHF RFID Technologies for Real-Time Bus Recognition in the Taipei Bus Station,” Sensors, vol. 13, 7797-7812, 2013 (SCI三区, Impact Factor: 2.060).
[15]. Chung-Ming Own, “Predictable Type-2 Data Mobile Units for Energy Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Information Science, vol. 24, pp. 70-84, 2013 (SCI二区, Impact Factor: 2.9).
[16]. Chung-Ming Own, Haw-Yun Shin and Chen-Ya Teng, “The Study and Application of the IoT in Pet Systems,”Advances in Internet of Things, vol. 3-1, pp. 1-9, 2013/1.
[17]. Chung-Ming Own, “For the Pet Care Appliance of Location Aware Infrastructure on Cyber Physical System,”International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2012, 2012, Article ID 421259. (SCI, Impact Factor:0.067)
[18]. Chung-Ming Own,“Mining Fuzzy Time Series Data on Enhanced Heuristic Models,” Time Series Analysis, Modeling and Applications: A Computational Intelligence Perspective, Springer, 2012/12/8。
[19]. Chung-Ming Own,“Type-2 Fuzzy Similarity in Partial Truth and Intuitionistic Reasoning,”Granular Computing and Intelligent Systems: Design with Information Granules of Higher Order and Higher Type, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 13, pp. 95-115, Springer, 2011/4/22。
[20]. Chung-Ming Own, “Switching between Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: An Application in Medical Diagnosis,” vol.31(3), pp. 283-291, 2009, Applied Intelligence. (SCI, Impact Factor:0.894) (NSC 96-2218-E-129 -001)
[21]. Chung-Ming Own, “Handling Partial Truth on Type-2 Similarity-Based Reasoning,” expert systems and applications, vol. 36(4), pp. 3007-3016, 2009. (SCI, Impact Factor:0.957)
[22]. Chung-Ming Own, Hung-Hsu Tsai, Pao-Ta Yu and Yao-Je Lee, “Adaptive type-2 Fuzzy Median Filter Design for Removal of Impulse Noises,” Imaging Science Journal, vol. 54, pp. 3-16, Mar. 2006. (EI, SCI, Impact Factor:0.964)
[23]. Chung-Ming Own, and Pao-Ta Yu, “Forecasting Fuzzy Time Series with Heuristic High Order Models,” Cybernetics and Systems, 2005, 36, 1-13. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.217)
Journal Papers
[1]. Tong Wang, Wenyuan Tao, Chung-Ming Own, Xiantuo Lou, Yuehua Zhao, “The Layerizing VoxPoint Annular Convolutional Network for 3D Shape Classification,” Pacific Graphics 2020, vol. 39(2020), Number 7. (CCF B类会议)
[2]. Jiayuan Hu, Chung-Ming Own, Wenyuan Tao,“Global and Local Attention Embedding Network for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification”, The 4th APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Dat, 18/Sep~20/Sep, Tianjin, China. (CCF C类会议)
[3]. Afifa Khaled, Chung-Ming Own, Wenyuan Tao, and Taher Ahemd Ghaleb“Improved Brain Segmentation using Pixel Separation and Additional Segmentation Features,” The 4th APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Data, Apwebw-aim 2020, 18/Sep~20/Sep, Tianjin, China. (CCF C类会议)
[4]. Ying Zhao, Wenyuan Tao, and, Chung-Ming Own, “The Impression of Virtual Experience: Mobile Augmented Reality Cloud Solution,”16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2019), 2019. (CCF C类会议)
[5]. Bowen Xu, Xingliang Xu, Chung-Ming Own, and Wenyuan Tao, “On the Feature Detection of Nonconforming Objects withAutomated Drone Surveillance,” 2017 the 3nd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP 2017), Tokyo Japan, 2017. (CCF C类会议)
[6]. Shang Li, Zhaopeng Meng, Chung-Ming Own,“ The Indoor NLOS identification on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory,” 2016 the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP 2016), Singapore, 2016.
[7]. Tingyu Zhao, Chung-Ming Own, Chao Xu, “3D Positioning Information on Augmented Identification for Indoor Localization,” 2016 the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP 2016), Singapore, 2016.
[8]. Kehan Liu, Zhaopeng Meng, Chung-Ming Own, “The Improvement of Positioning Accuracy by the Advanced Gaussian Process Method,” The 41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2016.
[9]. Chung-Ming Own, Chiu-Yi Wei, “On the Fuzzified Quorum-based Wakeup Scheduling in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network,” The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2013), 2013/6/3~2013/6/6, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China.
[10]. 翁仲铭, 邱奕玮, 赵亮琳, “基于模糊化Quorum技术之异质传感器网络排程管理,” 2013国际云端服务学术研讨会, 大同大学, 台北, 台湾, 中国.
[11]. Chung-Ming Own, Chi-Shu Huang, “On the Design of Neighboring Fuzzy Median Filter for Removal of Impulse Noises,”The 5th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2013/3/18~2013/3/20, Malaysia.
[12]. Chung-Ming Own, Cheng-Ya Teng, Jing-Ran Zhang, Wen-Yuan Yuan, Shang-Chun Tsai, “Intelligent Pet Monitor System with the Internet of Things,” International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2011, 2011/7/10~2011/7/14 (ICMLC 2011).
[13]. Chung-Ming Own, “On the Type-2 Fuzzy Thresholding Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks,”2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2011/6/27~2011/6/30.
[14]. 翁仲铭,“使用型态二模糊门坎值协议于事件驱动无线感测网络中之应用”, 第七届无线、随意及感测网路研讨会, 2011/9/2, 台湾交通大学, 台湾, 中国.
[15]. 翁仲铭, 陈金莲, 赵亮琳,吕绍园“可预测式模糊移动节点运用于传感器网络系统”, 第六届无线、随意及感测网路研讨会, 2010/9/3, 台湾大学, 台湾, 中国.
[16]. Chung-Ming Own, Shau-Yuan Lu, Cheng-Ya Teng, “Location Aware Sensor and Fuzzy Data Mule,” International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2010, 2010/7/10~2010/7/14 (ICMLC 2010).
[17]. 王地河, 杨书玮, 翁仲铭, “可量测动脉硬化血压计之实现,”2010 ISC 第四届智能型系统工程应用研讨会, 远东科技大学, 2010/5/6. (最佳论文奖)
[18]. 吕绍园, 翁仲铭, “植基于传感器网络之模糊移动节点系统,”pp. 90~99, 2010年网络与RFID技术研讨会,大叶大学, 2010/6/4.
[19]. 翁仲铭, 王地河, 邓振亚, 张景然, 简钰玲, 邓建甫, 洪俊翔, “具情境感知功能之自动化宠物管理,”2010数字生活科技研讨会-智慧城市生活国际论坛, 2010/6/24, 成功大学, 台湾, 中国.
[20]. 翁仲铭, 李文成, 杨雯渊,“植基于传感器网络之MSN差勤系统,”第十七届模糊理论及其应用研讨会, 2009/12/8, 台湾, 中国.
[21]. Chung-Ming Own, Shau-Yuan Lu, Wen-Chen Li, “Weighted Mobility-Aware Sampling System For Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2009 (ICMLC 2009).
[22]. 翁仲铭, 李纯真, 呂绍园, 李文成,“以位置和节能为基础的区域性权重传感器网路取样系统,” 第五届因特网暨通讯科技研讨会(NWICT09), 2009。
[23]. 王玉辉, 翁仲铭, 林耀裕, 陈永钦, “植基于色彩序列之人眼检测模糊自动机,” 2008第十九届面向对象技术及应用研讨会, OOTA 2008。
[24]. Chung-Ming Own, Yu-Hui Wang, “On the Color Sequence Fuzzy Automata of Eye Detection,” International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2008 (ICMLC 2008).
[25]. Chung-Ming Own, “On the switch between Type-2 fuzzy Sets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets,” 12th conference on Artificial intelligence & applications (TAAI 2007).
[26]. 翁仲铭, 王玉辉, “使用人眼检测技术于自律学习和管理”, Information Education and Technological Applications Conference (IETAC2007)。
[27]. Chung-Ming Own, Pao-Ta Yu, “Reasoning Partially True Knowledge by Type-2 Similarity,” 17th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2006).
[28]. Chung-Ming Own, Pao-Ta Yu, Hung-Hsu Tsai and Yao-Ju Lee, “Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Median filters for Removal of Impulsive Noises,” 2005 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP2005).
[29]. Chung-Ming Own, Chien-Tsang Chen and Pao-Ta Yu, “Expert Tutoring System for Teaching Mathematics by Tablet PC,” International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction (2003).
[30]. Pao-Ta Yu, Chung-Ming Own, “The Deep Knowledge Discovery Technology Image Restoration”, 2003 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP2003).
[31]. Pao-Ta Yu, Chung-Ming Own, “On the Design of Mathematical Instruction Material for Distant Learning Platform”, the 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB’2002).
[32]. Pao-Ta Yu, Chung-Ming Own, “Mathematical Education Technology Based on the Theory of Cognitive Constructivism and Concept Map,” International Conference on Computers in Education (2002).
[33]. Pao-Ta Yu and Chung-Ming Own, “On the Design of Mathematical Instruction Material for Distance Learning Platform,” The 1st International Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL2002).
[34]. Pao-Ta Yu, Chung-Ming Own, Yu-Tsu Tseng, “The XML-Based Equation Technology for Mathematical Learning,” International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 2001.
[35]. Pao-Ta Yum, Chung-Ming Own, Li-Wey Lin, “On the Learning Behavior Analysis of Web Based Interactive Environment,” International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 2001.
[36]. 游宝达、翁仲铭和曾渝顼,“Constructivism On the Web Education-On the Design of Interactive Math Editing Environment based on the MathML,” 第十四届计算机辅助教学研讨会,台中,台湾, 中国, 十月,2000。
[37]. 游宝达、方正楷和翁仲铭,Building Learning Bridge between Theory and Technology,” 第十四届计算机辅助教学研讨会,台中, 台湾, 中国.十月,2000。
[38]. Pao-Ta Yu, Chung-Ming Own, “Mining Time Series with Fuzzy Association Rules for Forecasting Enrollments,” 2000 International Computer Symposium ( ICS2000 ), Chiayi, Taiwan, China, Nov. 2000.
[39]. Pao-Ta Yu, Chung-Ming Own, Mu-Cchao Wang, “On the Design of Internet-Based Monitoring System with Intelligent Technology,” 2000 Eighth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, 2000.
[40]. Pao-Ta Yu, Lih-Shing Wang, Chung-Ming Own and Hisen-Keng Lin, “Intelligent Computerized Adaptive Test,” the 7th International Conference on Computer in Education, Chiba, Japan, 4-7 November 1999.
Conference Papers
Published Books
[1] 陶文源、翁仲铭、孟昭鹏,“虚拟现实概论”,江苏凤凰科技出版社,2019/1/15,ISBN:978-7-5537-9228-6。
[2] 张志勇、翁仲铭、石贵平、廖文华,“物联网概论”,碁峰出版社,2013/1/18,ISBN:9789862766989。
[3] 李达生、翁仲铭、彭永新,“物联网核心技术、原理与应用”,前程出版社,2012/9/21,ISBN:9789866264757。
[4] 张志勇、钟章队、翁仲铭、石贵平、廖文华,“物联网概论”,北京交通大学出版, 2014/6/10, ISBN: 9787512119710。
[5] 张志勇、石贵平、翁仲铭、廖文华, “物联网智慧应用及特训教材”,台湾松岗出版社,2016/7
2013/2/1 - 2014/3/3
2012/11/1 - 2013/6/15
2012/11/1 - 2013/6/15
2021/1/1 - 2022/9/30
2012/11/1 - 2013/6/31
UHF RFID 实作案例设计
2012/8/1 - 2013/7/31
2012/2/1 - 2013/1/31
2009/12/1 - 2012/11/30
2011/4/1 - 2012/3/31
2011/4/1 - 2012/4/30
2013/2/1 - 2014/3/3
2012/11/1 - 2013/6/15
2012/11/1 - 2013/6/15
2017/6/1 - 2017/12/31
2012/11/1 - 2013/6/31
UHF RFID 实作案例设计
2012/8/1 - 2013/7/31
2012/2/1 - 2013/1/31
2009/12/1 - 2012/11/30
2011/4/1 - 2012/3/31
2011/4/1 - 2012/4/30