
  • The human brain is amazing. It controls every part of the body, from breathing to writing a symphony. We devote ourselves to understanding it, knowing about it and learning from it.
  • 欢迎大家报考我的研究生,同时接收非全日制研究生!!!


Junhai Xu received the B.S. in Software Engnieering from Shandong University in 2008, the PhD in Computational Medicine from Shandong University in 2014. He was a visiting PhD student in Wellcome Trust Center for Neuroimaging & Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, United Kingdom from March 2012 to Janurary 2013. From October, 2017 to September 2018, he worked as an academic visitor in the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. He is currently an Associate Professor with the College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University.

Research Fields

Cognitive computation of audio-visual information, machine perception and intelligent information processing, mainly study on how to use a machine or computer to simulate, extend and expend the ability of the human perception or cognition.

Computer Science

  • Computational Models Based on Neural Information
  • Intelligent Information Processing
  • Medical Image Analysis and Network Analysis
  • Brain-computer Interface


  • Visual Awareness
  • Attention
  • Imaging Genetics
  • Brain Disorders, like Depression,AD


Journal Paper in Latest 5 years


Di Jin, Rui Li, Junhai Xu. Multiscale Community Detection in Functional Brain Networks Constructed using Dynamic Time Warping. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2020, 28(1): 52-61. (SCI, JCR-2)


Fei Guo, Quan Zou, Guang Yang, Dan Wang, Jijun Tang, Junhai Xu. Identifying protein-protein interface via a novel multi-scale local sequence and structural representation. BMC Bioinformatics, 2019, 20(S15). (SCI, JCR-3)


Zehuan Zhang, Junhai Xu, Jijun Tang, Quan Zou, Fei Guo. Diagnosis of Brain Diseases via Multi-Scale Time-Series Model. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 197. (SCI, JCR-2)


Xianglin Li, Ailing Wang, Junhai Xu, Zhenbo Sun, Jikai Xia, Peiyuan Wang, Bin Wang, Ming Zhang, Jie Tian. Reduced Dynamic Interactions Within Intrinsic Functional Brain Networks in Early Blind Patients. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 268. (SCI, JCR-2 )


Linjing Cao, Junhai Xu, Xiaoli Yang, Xianglin Li, Baolin Liu. Abstract Representations of Emotions Perceived From the Face, Body, and Whole-Person Expressions in the Left Postcentral Gyrus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2018, 12: 419.(SCI, JCR-2 )


Chao Li, Junhai Xu, Baolin Liu. Decoding natural images from evoked brain activities using encoding models with invertible mapping. Neural Networks, 2018, 105: 227-235.(SCI, JCR-1 )


Lu Lu, Gaoyan Zhang, Junhai Xu, Baolin Liu. Semantically Congruent Sounds Facilate the Decoding of Degraded Images. Neuroscience, 2018, 377: 12-25.(SCI, JCR-3 )


Xiangfei Geng, Junhai Xu, Baolin Liu, Yonggang Shi. Multivariate Classification of Major Depressive Disorder Using the Effective Connectivity and Functional Connectivity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018, 12: 38. (SCI, JCR-2 )


Fangyuan Ma, Junhai Xu, Xianglin Li, Peiyuan Wang, Bin Wang, Baolin Liu. Investigating the neural basis of basic human movement perception using multi-voxel pattern analysis. Experimental Brain Research, 2018, 236(3): 907-918. (SCI, JCR-4 )


Songnan Wang, Linjing Cao, Junhai Xu, Gaoyan Zhang, Baolin Liu. Revealing the semantic association between perception of scenes and significant objects by representational similarity analysis. Neuroscience, 2018, 372: 87-96. (SCI, JCR-3 )


Yin Liang, Baolin Liu, Junhai Xu, Gaoyan Zhang, Xianglin Li, Peiyuan Wang, Bin Wang. Decoding Facial Expressions Based on Face-selective and Motion-selective Areas. Human Brain Mapping, 2017, 38(6):3113-3125.( SCI, JCR-2 )


Xiaoli Yang, Junhai Xu, Linjing Cao, Xianglin Li, Peiyuan Wang, Bin Wang, Baolin Liu. Linear Representation of Emotions in Whole Persons by Combining Facial and Bodily Expressions in the Extrastriate Body Area.  Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2017,11: 653. (SCI, JCR-2 )


Zhengyi Zhang, Gaoyan Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Hong Liu, Junhai Xu, Baolin Liu. Cross-modal integration of polyphonic characters in Chinese audio-visual sentences: a MVPA study based on functional connectivity. Experimental Brain Research, 2017, 235(4):3743-3755. (SCI, JCR-4)


Junhai Xu, Xuntao Yin, Haitao Ge, Yan Han, Zengchang Pang, Baolin Liu, Shuwei Liu, Karl Friston. Heritability of the Effective Connectivity in the Resting-state Default Mode Network.Cerebral Cortex, 2016. (SCI, JCR-1)


Min Xiao, Haitao Ge, Budhachandra S. Khundrakpam, Junhai Xu, Gleb Bezgin, Yuan Leng, Lu Zhao, Yuchun Tang, Xinting Ge, Seun Jeon, Alan C. Evans, Shuwei Liu. Attention Performance Measured by Attention Network Test is Correlated with Global and Regional Efficiency of Structural Brain Networks. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2016.(SCI, JCR-2 )


Junhai Xu, Xuntao Yin, Haitao Ge, Yan Han, Zengchang Pang, Yuchun Tang, Baolin Liu, Shuwei Liu. Attentional performance is correlated with the local regional efficiency of intrinsic brain networks. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2015. (SCI, JCR-2)


Xinting Ge, Yonggang Shi, Junning Li, Zhonghe Zhang, Xiangtao Lin, Jinfeng Zhan, Haitao Ge, Junhai Xu, Qiaowen Yu, Yuan Leng, Gaojun Teng, Lei Feng, Haiwei Meng, Yuchun Tang, Fengchao Zang, Arthur W. Toga, Shuwei Liu. Development of the human fetal hippocampal formation during early second trimester. Neuroimage, 2015. (SCI, JCR-1 )


Bo Sun, Haitao Ge, Yuchun Tang, Zhongyu Hou, Junhai Xu, Xiangtao Lin, Shuwei Liu. Asymmetries of the central sulcus in young adults: Effects of gender, age and sulcal pattern. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2015. (SCI, JCR-3)


Conference Paper


Zhuo Sun, Wei Xu, Shuhao Wang, Junhai Xu, Yuchuan Qiao. Modeling Longitudinal Voxelwise Feature Change in Normal Aging with Spatial-Anatomical Regularization. MICCAI, 2018.


Jianlong Zheng, Junhai Xu. Classification Analysis of the Auditory Cognitive States for Sighted and Blind People Based on a Whole-brain “Searchlight” SVM. International Conference on Advanced Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (ACAAI), 2018.


Xiangfei Geng, Junhai Xu. Application of Autoencoder in Depression Diagnosis. 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Mechanical Automation (CSMA), 2017.


Xiaoli Yang, Junhai Xu. Insight into emotion and body part representation in relevant brain areas: An fMRI study. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS), 2016.


Fangyuan Ma, Junhai Xu. The Application of kNN and SVM in the Decoding of fMRI Data. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering (AIIE), 2016.


Xiaojing Wang, Junhai Xu. Investigating Semantic Relationship between the Scene and the Sound within the Scene by Dynamic Causal Modeling. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering (AIIE), 2016.


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