

DASFAA 2023: The 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications

2022年09月21日 07:47

Welcome to the 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA-2023), April 17-20, 2023, Tianjin, China.

Official Website://www.tjudb.cn/dasfaa2023/

It is our great pleasure to present the 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA-2023). DASFAA provides a leading international forum for discussing the latest research on database systems and advanced applications. DASFAA is a well-established international conference series that provides a forum for technical presentations and discussions among database researchers, developers, and users from academia, business, and industry, which showcases state-of-the-art R&D activities in the general areas of database systems, Web information systems, and their applications. The conference’s long history has established the event as the premier research conference in the database area.

The dominant topics in this year include big data management, machine learning for database, graph data management, graph and social network analysis followed by text and data mining, data management in social networks, recommendation systems, search and recommendation technology, data semantics and data integration, crowdsourcing, spatial data management, network embedding, sequence and temporal data processing, temporal and spatial databases, large-scale knowledge management, RDF and knowledge graphs, social network and security, security, privacy and trust, medical data mining, bio and health informatics, query processing and optimization, text databases, search and information retrieval, information integration, information recommendation, multimedia databases, multimedia data processing, distributed computing, cloud data management, data archive and digital library, data mining and knowledge discovery, data semantics and integrity constraints, data model and query language, data quality and credibility, data streams and time-series data, data warehouse and OLAP, embedded and mobile databases, databases for emerging hardware, database usability and HCI, HCI for modern information systems, index and storage systems, information extraction and summarization, blockchain, parallel & distributed systems, parallel, distributed & P2P systems, parallel and distributed databases, probabilistic and uncertain data, real-time data management, Semantic Web and triple data management, Semantic Web and knowledge management, sensor data management, statistical and scientific databases, transaction management, Deep Web, Web data management, Web information systems, advanced database and Web applications, and XML, RDF and semi-structured data.

Official Website://www.tjudb.cn/dasfaa2023/



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