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Ten Papers from College of Intelligence and Computing Accepted by IJCAI-PRICAI 2020

04/30/2020 14:51

The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (“IJCAI-PRICAI 2020”) have released the paper list accepted by the conferences recently. Ten papers from Tianjin University’s College of Intelligence and Computing are among the list.

IJCAI is listed as a Class A conference by the China Computer Federation (“CCF”)which is the earliest flagship conference established in the field of artificial intelligence. This year IJCAI will be held in Japan together with the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI). The total number of paper submissions this time reached 4,717 and 592 papers were accepted. The acceptance rate is about 12.6%.




                                                The Accepted Paper List of Tianjin University
 Adversarial Mutual Information Learning for Network Embedding (Dongxiao He, Lu Zhai, Zhigang Li, Liang Yang, Di Jin, Yuxiao Huang, Philip S. Yu)
 Bidirectional Adversarial Training for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation(Pin Jiang, Aming Wu, Yahong Han, Yunfeng Shao, Meiyu Qi, Bingshuai Li)
 Community-Centric Graph Convolutional Network for Unsupervised Community Detection(Dongxiao He, Yue Song, Di Jin, Zhiyong Feng, Binbin Zhang, Zhizhi Yu, Weixiong Zhang)
 Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Transfer (Tianpei Yang, Jianye Hao, Zhaopeng Meng, Zongzhang Zhang, Yujing Hu, Yingfeng Cheng, Changjie Fan, Weixun Wang, Wulong Liu, Zhaodong Wang, Jiajie Peng)
 Generating Behavior-Diverse Game AIs with Evolutionary Multi-Objectives Deep Reinforcement Learning(Ruiming Shen, Yan Zheng, Jianye Hao, Zhaopeng Meng, Yingfeng Chen ,Changjie Fan,Yang Liu)
KoGuN: Accelerating Deep Reinforcement Learning via Integrating Human Suboptimal Knowledge(Peng Zhang, Jianye Hao, Weixun Wang, Hongyao Tang, Yi Ma, Yihai Duan, Yan Zheng)
 Learning to Accelerate Heuristic Searching for Large-Scale MaximumWeighted b-Matching Problems in Online Advertising (Xiaotian Hao, Junqi Jin, Jin Li, Weixun Wang, Yi Ma, Jianye Hao,Zhenzhe Zheng,Han Li,Jian Xu,Kun Gai)
 Model-theoretic Characterizations of Existential Rule Languages ( Heng Zhang, Yan Zhang, Guifei Jiang)
 TransRHS: A Representation Learning Method for Knowledge Graphs with Relation Hierarchical Structure( Fuxiang Zhang,  Xin Wang, Zhao Li, Jianxin Li)
Triple-GAIL: A Multi-Modal Imitation Learning Framework with Generative Adversarial Nets(Cong Fei,Bin Wang,Yuzheng Zhuang, Zongzhang Zhang, Jianye Hao, Hongbo Zhang,Xuewu Hi, Wulong Liu)

By Li Na from the College of Intelligence and Computing


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