On October 24, 2020, Interspeech 2020 Satellite Workshop (i.e. Spoken Language Interaction for Mobile Transportation System, SLIMTS2020) jointly organized by Tianjin University, Didi Chuxing and Duke Kunshan University was held on online on Bilibili Live.
Professor Longbiao Wang from Tianjin University’s College of Intelligence and Computing and Professor Jian Tang from Didi Chuxing served as General Chairs. Prof. Jianwu Dang from Tianjin University’s College of Intelligence and Computing, Dr. Kun Han from Didi Chuxing and Prof. Ming Li from Duke Kunshan University served as Technical Program Chairs. Experts in relative fields were invited to attend the workshop and discuss the latest progress, industry application and future development of Spoken Language Interaction Technology.
INTERSPEECH is a top-level international conference sponsored by the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) and is also one of the two top-level conferences well recognized in the world in the speech field.
Four Keynote Talks and three Oral Talks were arranged in the workshop. Prof. Kevin Knight, the Chief Scientist for Natural Language Processing (NLP) from Didi Chuxing, Dr. Kong Aik Lee, a Senior Scientist from the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore, Prof. Tatsuya Kawahara from Kyoto University, Japan, and Prof. Zheng-Hua Tan of Aalborg University, Denmark gave their Keynote Talks covering the summary and recent advances on the application of dialogue system, speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech processing, etc. Delegates held heated discussions on these topics.
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Workshop website://outreach.didichuxing.com/internationalconference/interspeech2020/
Video Playback: //www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cK4y1E7LL
By the College of Intelligence and Computing