

College News

PacificVis 2021 Held at TJU

05/03/2021 11:01

The 14th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2021) was held at Tianjin University from April 19 to April 21. On the morning of April 19, the opening session was held on ZOOM platform and was broadcast live in Huya and Bilibili as well. The conference attracted 323 participants from 15 countries and regions to register, and nearly 1,000 people watched the procession of the meeting online.

The opening session and keynote of the conference were presided over by Prof. Chaoli Wang from University of Notre Dame, USA and Prof. Holger Theisel from University of Magdeburg, Germany. Prof. Jiawan Zhang from Tianjin University’s College of Intelligence and Computing served as the General Conference Chair, delivered an opening speech, introducing the organization and preparations of the conference, and warmly welcomed all experts and representatives attending the conference. The co-chairs of each program reported separately on the submission and acceptance of papers, VisNotes, posters, Visual Storytelling competitions and Visualization Meets AI Workshop, etc.

This year, a total of 80 full papers were submitted and 20 papers were accepted (with an acceptance rate of 25%), among which 5 papers will be recommended to IEEE TVCG for publication. In addition, 30 VisNotes papers were received and 11 papers were accepted(with an acceptance rate of 36.6%).The conference also selected the Best Work AwardsandHonorable Mention Awards in four partsrespectively: full paper, VisNotes, poster and Storytelling. Prof. Jiawan Zhang also announced in the conference that PacificVis 2022 would be held during April, 2022 by the University of Tsukuba, Japan (Tentative), and the chairman of the meeting would be Prof. Kazuo Misue. Prof. Kwan-Liu Ma from the University of California at Davis, USA, on behalf of the PacificVis Steering Committee, expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the conference, the members of the Procedures Committee and the co-chairs of each program.

Prof. Xiaoru Yuan from Peking University and Helwig Hauser from University of Bergen, Norway were invited as keynote speakers. Prof. Xiaoru Yuan gave a keynote report entitled "Visualization during the COVID-19 Pandemic", which introduced the data collection of COVID-19 and his visualization design work based on epidemic data. In addition, he introduced the research progress of visual analysis of COVID-19 worldwide. Prof. Helwig Hauser from University of Bergen, Norway gave a keynote report entitled "Visual Data Science – integrating computation with interaction to master challenging data scenarios", which started with the concept of visual data science and introduced the research problems and interdisciplinary research experience of visual data science respectively.

Epidemic barometer developed by Peking University’s visualization team

Prof. Xiaoru Yuan's report: Two Works Related to Epidemics

Prof. Helwig Hauser's report: Challenges Facing by Visual Data Science

Prof. Helwig Hauser's report: What Data Scientists Need to Know

PacificVis is an IEEE sponsored international visualization symposium held in the Asia-Pacific region, which has been successfully held for 14 years since 2008. PacificVis 2021 has gathered outstanding experts in the field of visualization from all over the world and provided an effective platform for in-depth exchanges between outstanding visualization talents, and deepened the integration of art and technology. Tianjin University’s College of Intelligence and Computing will continue to work together with colleagues in the field of visualization, and promote the collaborative development ofindustry-university-research cooperation in the field of visualization and visual analysis in China.

By the College of Intelligence and Computing


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