

Beiyang Intelligence Forum

Research on Core Blockchain Technology in Real Estate Economy

08/15/2019 10:27

Research on Core Blockchain Technology in Real Estate Economy
Yunpeng Zhang hold a Ph.D. degree in computer science. He is working as an Assistant Professor at University of Houston, U.S. Dr. Zhang has worked for Boise State University (U.S.), Dakota State University (U.S.), University of Melbourne (Australia), Imperial College London (U.K.), Queen's University Belfast (U.K.) and Northwestern Polytechnical University (China) as a Cybersecurity and Software Engineering expert for more than 18 years.  Dr. Zhang has invented more than 30 high-performance/security new algorithms/methods, and developed 10 software systems.  He has published 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference, 5 books and 3 books chapters. He also holds 6 patents. Dr. Zhang is equally dedicated to academic service and has participated in more than 50 international conferences - serving 5 times as IPC, 4 times as session chair and two times as a keynote Speaker. He supervised 40 undergraduate and 25 graduate Students with their projects and thesis, 8 of them received Outstanding Thesis Award.
Dr. Yunpeng Zhang's research focuses on developing novel security and intelligence techniques to ensure cyber/physical system reliability, security and performance in multiple industries, including energy, healthcare, smart cities, commerce, transportation, finance, government, defense, the internet of things, etc. Dr. Zhang is familiar with the state of the art research and technologies related to cyber and physical security, artificial Intelligence, such as cryptography, access control, intrusion detection, blockchain, trust management, intelligent monitoring, deep learning, and data analysis. He finished 18 research and 8 education projects which supported by NSF, NIH, DoT and private institutes. Dr. Zhang is keen to cooperation with industry and academic.
Global real estate investments account more than twice the size of the stock market. Yet the number of investors in real estate are much lower, because of the liquidity and global access. Tenants and owners are barely satisfied in the current system. In this paper, the goal is to try out the employment of blockchain in real estate market and represent the facilities it can give to the real estate market. Then the new born issues which are emerged are tackled with a proposed mechanism. The research to date leads to the following conclusions: Blockchain technology and smart contracts can sort out the classical issues that real estate is facing with, and they offer much more meaningful tools for the proposed mechanism discussed in this paper.


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