About Me
I am now a Full Professor of the College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, China. I received my Ph.D degree from Zhejiang University, in Computer Science in 2012. My advisor was Prof. Yueting Zhuang (庄越挺). I was awarded CCF Outstanding Dissertation, 2012. In March 2012, I joined the School of Computer Science and Technology at Tianjin University as an Associate Professor. In 2013, I was elected to the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET), granted by Ministry of Education of China. From Nov. 2014 to Nov. 2015, I visited Prof. Bin Yu's Group at UC Berkeley as a Visiting Scholar. I was awarded the Best Paper Finalist and Grand Challenge Honorable Mention Award of ACM Multimedia 2017. In 2021, as the Ph. D. Supervisor, I was awarded the CSIG (China Society of Image and Graphics) Outstanding Dissertation. I was appointed as an Outstanding Professor (英才教授) of Tianjin University in 2021. My research interests include Multimedia Content Understanding, Computer Vision, and AI Security.
Last modified Feb 2025.