

  1. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Deng Tang, Constructions of optimal locally recoverable codes via Dickson polynomials, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2020. Published Online. (SCI 3区,CCF B

  2. Zhai Jiaqi, Jian Liu#, and Lusheng Chen, More efficient trapdoor-permutation-based sequential aggregate signatures with lazy verification. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2020. Accepted.(SCI 4区

  3. Zhai Jiaqi, Jian Liu#, and Lusheng Chen, Smooth Projective Hashing from DDH Asumption and d-Linear Assumption. Journal of Nankai University (Natural Science Edition), 2020. Accepted. (核心期刊

  4. Jian Liu and Sihem Mesnager, Weightwise perfectly balanced functions with high weightwise nonlinearity profile, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2019, 87(8): 1797-1813. Available at: //arxiv.org/abs/1709. 02959 (SCI 3区,CCF B

  5. Lei Sun, Jian Liu, Fang-Wei Fu, Secondary constructions of RSBFs with good cryptographic properties. Information Processing Letters, 2019, 147: 44-48. (SCI 4区,CCF C

  6. Keith Bhebe, Jian Liu#, Wenyu Qu, Cache Side-Channel Attacks: Flush+Flush and the Countermeasures Time Gap. In: The 25th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2019, 880-887. (EI,CCF C

  7. Lei Sun, Jian Liu, and Fang-Wei Fu, Balanced $2^k$-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2019, 61(1-2): 185-203.(EI

  8. Deng Tang and Jian Liu#, A Family of weightwise (almost) perfectly balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity. Cryptography and Communications—Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences, 2019, 11(6): 1185-1197.(SCI 4区

  9. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Lusheng Chen, New constructions of optimal locally recoverable codes via good polynomials, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2018, 64(2): 889-899. (SCI 3区,CCF A

  10. Lei Sun, Fang-Wei Fu,and Jian Liu, On the conjecture about the linear structures of rotation symmetric Boolean functions. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2017, 28(7): 819-833. (SCI 4区

  11. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Lusheng Chen, On the nonlinearity of S-boxes and linear codes, Cryptography and Communications—Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences, 2017, 9(3): 345-361. (SCI 4区

  12. Jian Liu and Lusheng Chen, On nonlinearity of S-boxes and their related binary codes, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016, 25(1): 167-173. (SCI 4区

  13. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Lusheng Chen, Variation on correlation immune Boolean and vectorial functions, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2016, 10(4): 895-919. (SCI 4区

  14. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Lusheng Chen, Partially homomorphic encryption schemes over finite fields. In: 6th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptographic Engineering, SPACE 2016, LNCS, vol.10076, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2016, 109-123. (EI

  15. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Lusheng Chen, On the diffusion property of iterated functions. In: 15th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, IMACC 2015, LNCS, vol.9496, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2015, 239-253. (EI

  16. Jian Liu, Sihem Mesnager, and Lusheng Chen, Secret sharing schemes with general access structures. In: 11th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Inscrypt 2015, LNCS, vol.9589, Berlin: Springer- Verlag, 2016, 341-360. (EI

  17. Jian Liu, Lusheng Chen, and Xuan Guang, Highly nonlinear resilient functions without linear structures, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2014, E97-A(6): 1405-1417.(SCI 4区

  18. Jian Liu and Lusheng Chen, On the degree of completeness of cryptographic functions, Journal of Electronics (China), 2014, 31(5): 489-495.(核心期刊

  19. 刘健, 陈鲁生, 关于多输出布尔函数的第二类非线性度, 工程数学学报, 2014, 31(1): 9-22.(核心期刊

  20. Jian Liu and Lusheng Chen, On the relationships between perfect nonlinear functions and universal hash families. Theoretical Computer Science, 2013, 513: 85-95.(SCI 3区,CCF B类