

1.  Establish deep cooperation with the institute of software engineering in National University of Singapore;

2.  Establish deep cooperation with the institute of information security in National University of Singapore;

3.  Introduce PAT model checking platform;

4.  Extend the PAT platform to complete model checking and safety checking of network communication protocol;

5.  Invite Jingde Cheng professor and Shaoying Liu professor who are international famous experts in the field of software engineering to attend academic exchange;

6.  Invite Zhenkai Liang,Jun Sun and Yang Liu who are experts in the field of software engineering and information security to exchange and cooperate in projects.

In 2016, Jinsong Dong professor in National University of Singapore was invited to give an academic report in Tianjin University.

In 2015, visited and exchanged in National University of Singapore(NUS)

In 2013, Jian Lv delivered a speech on "software methodology of research and practice" for the Tianjin University teachers and students in "The Northern Lecture Hall".

In 2012, Workshop on Verified Software in East China Normal University

The fourth conference of VARA(Beijing)


In 2010, visited at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(JAIST)