1. Nan Li, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Yang-Hao Zhou, Jianwu Dang, HC-APNet: Harmonic Compensation Auditory Perception Network for low-complexity speech enhancement, Speech Communication, Volume 167, 2025, 103161, ISSN 0167-6393, //doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2024.103161.
2. Nan Li, Longbiao Wang, Qiquan Zhang, Jianwu Dang, “Dual-stream Noise and Speech Information Perception based Speech Enhancement”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 261, 2025, 125432, ISSN 0957-4174, //doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125432.
3. Yiwei Wei, Maomao Duan, Hengyang Zhou, Zhiyang Jia, Zengwei Gao, Longbiao Wang* “Towards Multimodal Sarcasm Detection via Label-aware Graph Contrastive Learning with Back-translation Augmentation” Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS)
4. Zhongjie Li , Gaoyan Zhang *, Shogo Okada , Longbiao Wang , Bin Zhao , Jianwu Dang “MBCFNet: A Multimodal Brain–Computer Fusion Network for human intention recognition” Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS)
5. Xiao Wei; Yuhang Li; Yuke Si; Longbiao Wang*; Xiaobao Wang; Jianwu Dang “A Prompt-Based Hierarchical Pipeline for Cross-Domain Slot Filling” in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
6. Wei, Yiwei*, Shaozu Yuan, Meng Chen, Xin Shen, Longbiao Wang, Lei Shen and Zhiling Yan. “MPP-net: Multi-perspective perception network for dense video captioning.” Neurocomputing 552 (2023): 126523.
7. Y. Lin, L. Wang*, Y. Yang and J. Dang*, "CFDRN: A Cognition-Inspired Feature Decomposition and Recombination Network for Dysarthric Speech Recognition," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 3824-3836
8. Yuqin Lin, Jianwu Dang, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li, Chenchen Ding. "Disordered speech recognition considering low resources and abnormal articulation", Proc. of Speech Communication.
9. LI, Nan and Wang, Longbiao* and Ge, Meng* and Unoki, Masashi and Li, Sheng and Dang, Jianwu. "Robust Voice Activity Detection Using an Auditory-Inspired Masked Modulation Encoder Based Convolutional Attention Network", Proc. of Speech Communication.
10. Y. Gao, L. Wang*, J. Liu, J. Dang and S. Okada, "Adversarial Domain Generalized Transformer for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition", Proc. of TAFFC:1-12.
11. Yuchun Shu, Haoneng Luo, Shiliang Zhang, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, "A CIF-Based Speech Segmentation Method for Streaming E2E ASR", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2023, 30: 344-348.
12. Lin, Y., Zhang, S., Gao, Z., Wang, L., Yang, Y. and Dang, J. (2023), "Wav2vec-MoE: An unsupervised pre-training and adaptation method for multi-accent ASR. "Electron. Lett., 59: e12823. //doi.org/10.1049/ell2.12823
13. Zhongjie Li, Gaoyan Zhang*, Longbiao Wang, Jianguo Wei and Jianwu Dang*. “Emotion recognition using spatial-temporal EEG features through convolutional graph attention network”. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2023, 20(1).( DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/acb79e).
14. Hanyi Zhang, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee*, Meng Liu, Jianwu Dang, Helen Meng, "Meta-Generalization for Domain-Invariant Speaker Verification," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 1024-1036, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2023.3244518.
15. Siqing Qin, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li*, Jianwu Dang, Lixin Pan, "Improving Low-resource Tibetan End-to-end ASR by Multilingual and Multilevel Unit Modeling", EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2022 (SCI三区) . 2022,2022(1).(DOI10.1186/s13636-021-00233-4).
16. Lili Guo, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang*, Yahui Fu, and Jiaxing Liu, “Emotion Recognition with Multimodal Transformer Fusion Framework Based on Acoustic and Lexical Information”, in IEEE MultiMedia,2022,28(2):94-103.(doi: 10.1109/MMUL.2022.3161411).
17. Yahui Fu, Shogo Okada*, Longbiao Wang*, Lili Guo, Yaodong Song, Jiaxing Liu and Jianwu Dang*, “Context and Knowledge-Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Multimodal Emotion Recognition”,
18. Jaxing Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Zhilei Liu, Yaodong Song, Lili Guo and Jianwu Dang, “Representation learning with emotional latent information for speech emotion recognition”, submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
19. Lili Guo, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang*, Eng Siong Chng, and Seiichi Nakagawad,“Learning affective representations based on magnitude and dynamic relative phase information for speech emotion recognition”[J]. Speech Communication, 2022, 136: 118-127.
20. Q. Yu*, Y. Yao, L. Wang*, H. Tang, J. Dang, K. Tan, "Robust Environmental Sound Recognition with Sparse Key-point Encoding and Efficient Multi-spike Learning", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IF = 11.7; Accepted).
21. Q. Yu*, S. Li, H. Tang, L. Wang, J. Dang, K. Tan, "Towards Efficient Processing and Learning with Spikes: New Approaches for Multi-Spike Learning", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (IF = 10.4; Accepted):2020.PP(99):1-13
22. Meng Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, Kong Aik Lee, Seiichi Nakagawa, “Replay attack detection using variable-frequency resolution phase and magnitude features”, Computer Speech & Language, Volume 66,2021,101161.
23. K. Phapatanaburi, Kasidit kokkhunthod, L. Wang et al., “Brainwave Classification for Character-Writing Application Using EMD-Based GMM and KELM Approaches”, Computers, Materials & Continua, vol.66, no.3, pp. 3029-3043, 2021 (DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.014433)
24. Chunlei Liu, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Deep Learning-Based Amplitude Fusion for Speech Dereverberation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society”, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020 (DOI:10.1155/ACCESS.2020.4618317)2020:PP.1-14
25. L. Guo, L. Wang*, J. Dang, Z. Liu, H. Guan, "Exploration of Complementary Features for Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Kernel Extreme Learning Machine", IEEE Access, 2019 (IF=4.098) (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2921390)
26. Z. Oo, L. Wang*, K. Phapatanaburi, M. Liu, S. Nakagawa, M. Iwahashi and J. Dang, "Replay attack detection with auditory filter-based relative phase features", EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2019(1): 8, 2019 (IF=3.0)
27. Z. Oo, L. Wang*, K. Phapatanaburi, S. Nakagawa, M. Iwahashi and J. Dang, "Phase and reverberation aware DNN for distant-talking speech enhancement", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(14): 18865-18880, 2018 (IF=1.5).
28. L. Wang*, S. Nakagawa, Z. Zhang, Y. Yoshida and Y. Kawakami, "Spoofing Speech Detection Using Modified Relative Phase Information", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Processing, 11(4): 660-670, 2017 (IF=6.8).
29. K. Phapatanaburi, L. Wang*, Z. Oo, et al. "Noise robust voice activity detection using joint phase and magnitude based feature enhancement", Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing, 8(9): 1-15, 2017 (IF=1.6).
30. B. Ren, L. Wang*, L. Lu, Y. Ueda and A. Kai, "Combination of bottleneck feature extraction and dereverberation for distant-talking speech recognition", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(9): 5093-5108, 2016 (IF=1.5) (DOI: 10.1007/s11042-015-2849-1).
31. K. Phapatanaburi, L. Wang*, R. Sakagami, Z. Zhang, X. Li and M. Iwahashi, "Distant-talking accent recognition by combining GMM and DNN", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(9): 5109-5124, 2016 (IF=1.5)(DOI: 10.1007/s11042-015-2935-4).
32. Y. Ueda, L. Wang*, A. Kai, X. Xiao, E. Chng and H. Li, "Single-channel dereverberation for distant-talking speech recognition by combining denoising autoencoder and temporal structure normalization", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 82(2): 151-161, 2016 (IF=0.9)(DOI: 10.1007/s11265-015-1007-3).
33. Y. Ueda, L. Wang*, A. Kai and B. Ren, "Environment-dependent denoising autoencoder for distant-talking speech recognition", Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2015(1): 1-11, 2015 (IF=2.0)(DOI: 10.1186/s13634-015-0278-y).
34. Z. Zhang, L. Wang*, A. Kai, K. Odani, W. Li and M. Iwahashi, "Deep neural network-based bottleneck feature and denoising autoencoder-based dereverberation for distant-talking speaker identification", Eurasip Journal on Audio, Music and Speech Processing, 2015(1): 1-13, 2015 (IF=3.0)(DOI: 10.1186/s13636-015-0056-7).
35. W. Li, L. Wang*, Y. Zhou, J. Dines, H. Bourlard and Q. Liao, "Feature Mapping of Multiple Beamformed Sources for Robust Overlapping Speech Recognition Using a Microphone Array", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 22(12): 2244-2255, 2014 (IF=2.5).
36. Y. Jiang, K. Lee, L. Wang*. "PLDA for Speaker Verification in the I-supervector Spaces", Eurasip Journal on Audio, Music and Speech Processing, 2014:29, pp. 1-13, 2014 (IF=3.0).
37. Z. Zhang, L. Wang* and A. Kai, "Distant-talking speaker identification by generalized spectral subtraction-based dereverberation and its efficient computation", Eurasip Journal on Audio, Music and Speech Processing, 2014:15, pp. 1-12, 2014 (IF=3.0).
38. W. Li, L. Wang, Y. Zhou, H. Bourlard and Q. Liao*, "Robust log-energy estimation and its dynamic change enhancement for in-car speech recognition", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 21(8): 1689-1698, 2013 (IF=2.5).
39. S. Nakagawa, L. Wang* and S. Ohtsuka, "Speaker identification and verification by combining MFCC and phase information", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 20(4): 1085-1095, May 2012 (IF=2.5).
40. L. Wang*, K. Odani and A. Kai, "Dereverberation and Denoising Based on Generalized Spectral Subtraction by Multi-channel LMS Algorithm Using a Small-scale Microphone Array", Eurasip Journal on Advanced in Signal Processing, 2012(1):12, 2012 (IF=2.0).
41. Y. Jiang*, Z. Tang and L. Wang, "Identification of a distant speaker and its robustness", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 20(2): 278-282, 2011 (IF=0.5).
42. L. Wang*, N. Kitaoka and S. Nakagawa, "Distant-talking speech recognition based on spectral subtraction by multi-channel LMS algorithm", IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, 94(3): 659-667, 2011 (IF=0.4).
43. L. Wang*, K. Minami, K. Yamamoto and S. Nakagawa, "Speaker recognition by combining MFCC and phase information in noisy conditions", IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, 93(9): 2397-2406, 2010 (IF=0.4).
44. L. Wang*, S. Nakagawa and N. Kitaoka, "Robust speech recognition by combining short-term and long-term spectrum based position-dependent CMN with conventional CMN", IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, 91(3): 457-466, 2008 (IF=0.4).
45. L. Wang*, N. Kitaoka and S. Nakagawa, "Robust distant speaker recognition based on position-dependent CMN by combining speaker-specific GMM with speaker-adapted HMM", Speech Communication, 49(6): 501-513, 2007 (IF=1.8).
46. L. Wang*, N. Kitaoka and S. Nakagawa, "Robust Distant Speech Recognition by Combining Multiple Microphone-array Processing with Position-dependent CMN", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2006(1): 1-11, 2006 (IF=2.0).
1. Ning Zhuang, Xiao Wei, Junlei Li, Xiaobao Wang, Chengyang Wang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “A Prompt Learning Framework with Large Language Model Augmentation for Few-shot Multi-label Intent Detection” ICASSP 2025
2. Zhongjian Cui, Chenrui Cui, Tianrui Wang, Mengnan He, Hao Shi, Meng Ge, Caixia Gong, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Reducing the Gap Between Pretrained Speech Enhancement and Recognition Models Using a Real Speech-Trained Bridging Module” ICASSP 2025
3. Jiahui Zhao, Hao Shi, Chenrui Cui, Tianrui Wang, Hexin Liu, Zhaoheng Ni, Lingxuan Ye, Longbiao Wang, “Adapting Whisper for Code-Switching through Encoding Refining and Language-Aware Decoding” ICASSP 2025
4. Junyu Wang, Zizhen Lin, Tianrui Wang, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Mamba-SEUNet: Mamba UNet for Monaural Speech Enhancement” ICASSP 2025
5. Zikang Huang, Jingru Lin, Meng Ge, Yu Jiang, Xiaobao Wang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Augmenting Short Enrollment Speech via Synthesis for Target Speaker Extraction” ICASSP 2025
6. Jin Li, Tianrui Wang, Meng Ge, Chenrui Cui, Jiahui Zhao, Jianrong Wang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “A Chinese Expressive Long-dialogue Speech Dataset with Scripts” ICASSP 2025
7. Sheng Wu, Xiaobao Wang*, Longbiao Wang, Dongxiao He, Jianwu Dang, “Enriching Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Through Textual Emotional Descriptions of Visual-Audio Content” AAAI 2025
8. Rui Cao , Tianrui Wang , Meng Ge,∗ , Andong Li , Longbiao Wang,∗ , Jianwu Dang , Yungang Jia “VoiCor: A Residual Iterative Voice Correction Framework for Monaural Speech Enhancement” INTERSPEECH 2024
9. Yuqin Lin,Longbiao Wang*,Jianwu Dang*, Nobuaki Minematsu,” Exploring Pre-trained Speech Model for Articulatory Feature Extraction in Dysarthric Speech Using ASR” INTERSPEECH 2024
10. Cheng Gong , Erica Cooper, Xin Wang , Chunyu Qiang , Mengzhe Geng , Dan Wells , Longbiao Wang,∗ , Jianwu Dang , Marc Tessier , Aidan Pine , Korin Richmond , Junichi Yamagishi “An Initial Investigation of Language Adaptation for TTS Systems under Low-resource Scenarios ” INTERSPEECH 2024
11. Yuchun Shu , Bo Hu , Yifeng He , Hao Shi , Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang “Error Correction by Paying Attention to Both Acoustic and Confidence References for Automatic Speech Recognition” INTERSPEECH 2024
12. Wei, Yiwei, Shaozu Yuan*, Hengyang Zhou, Longbiao Wang*, Zhiling Yan, Ruosong Yang and Meng Chen. "G^2SAM: Graph-Based Global Semantic Awareness Method for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection." AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2024).
13. Qiang, Chunyu, Hao Li, Hao Ni, He Qu, Ruibo Fu, Tao Wang, Longbiao Wang* and Jianwu Dang. "Minimally-Supervised Speech Synthesis with Conditional Diffusion Model and Language Model: A Comparative Study of Semantic Coding." ArXiv abs/2307.15484 (2023): 10186-10190
14. Qiang, Chunyu, Hao Li, Yixin Tian, Ruibo Fu, Tao Wang, Longbiao Wang* and Jianwu Dang. "Learning Speech Representation From Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining." ArXiv abs/2309.00424 (2023): n. pag.
15. Qiang, Chunyu, Hao Li, Yixin Tian, Yi Zhao, Ying Zhang, Longbiao Wang* and Jianwu Dang. "High-Fidelity Speech Synthesis with Minimal Supervision: All Using Diffusion Models." ArXiv abs/2309.15512 (2023): 10781-10785.
16. Wei, Yiwei, Shaozu Yuan*, Ruosong Yang, Lei Shen, Zhang Li, Longbiao Wang* and Meng Chen. "Tackling Modality Heterogeneity with Multi-View Calibration Network for Multimodal Sentiment Detection." Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2023).
17. Y. Wei, S. Yuan, M. Chen* and L. Wang, "Enhancing Multimodal Alignment with Momentum Augmentation for Dense Video Captioning," ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE: 1-5.
18. Yiwei Wei, Shaozu Yuan∗, Ruosong Yang, Lei Shen, Longbiao Wang*, Zhangmeizhi Li, Meng Chen. “Tackling Modality Heterogeneity with Multi-View Calibration Network for Multimodal Sentiment Detection”, Proc. of ACL 2023:5240-5252.
19. Junjie Li, Meng Ge*, Zexu Pan, Rui Cao, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, Shiliang Zhang. “Rethinking the visual cues in audio-visual speaker extraction”, Proc. of Interspeech 2023:3754-3758.
20. Yuhang Li, Xiao Wei, Yuke Si*, Longbiao Wang, Xiaobao Wang*, Jianwu Dang. “Improving Zero-shot Cross-domain Slot Filling via Transformer-based Slot Semantics Fusion”, Proc. of Interspeech 2023:2123-2127.
21. Yanjie Fu, Meng Ge*, Honglong Wang, Nan Li, Haoran Yin, Longbiao Wang*, Gaoyan Zhang, Jianwu Dang, Chengyun Deng, Fei Wang. "Locate and Beamform: Two-dimensional Locating All-neural Beamformer for Multi-channel Speech Separation". Proc. of Interspeech 2023:3789-3793.
22. Honglong Wang, Chengyun Deng, Yanjie Fu, Meng Ge*, Longbiao Wang*, Gaoyan Zhang, Jianwu Dang, Fei Wang. "SDNet: Stream-attention and Dual-feature Learning Network for Ad-hoc Array Speech Separation". Proc. of Interspeech 2023:3739-3743.
23. Yuhang Li, Xiao Wei, Yuke Si*, Longbiao Wang, Xiaobao Wang*, Jianwu Dang. "Improving Zero-shot Cross-domain Slot Filling via Transformer-based Slot Semantics Fusion". Proc. of Interspeech 2023:2123-2127.
24. Yang Liu, Haoqin Sun, Geng Chen, Qingyue Wang, Zhen Zhao*, Xugang Lu, Longbiao Wang. "Multi-Level Knowledge Distillation for Speech Emotion Recognition in Noisy Conditions". Proc. of Interspeech 2023:1893-1897.
25. Zhongjie Li, Gaoyan Zhang*, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang*. "Discrimination of the Different Intents Carried by the Same Text Through Integrating Multimodal Information". Proc. of Interspeech 2023:2423-2427.
26. Kai Yang, Zhuang Xie, Di Zhou, Longbiao Wang, Gaoyan Zhang*. "Auditory Attention Detection in Real-Life Scenarios Using Common Spatial Patterns from EEG". Proc. of Interspeech 2023:1154-1158.
27. Zhe Yu, Di Jin, Xiaobao Wang*, Yawen Li, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang. “Commonsense Knowledge Enhanced Sentiment Dependency Graph for Sarcasm Detection” , Proc.of IJCAI 2023:2423-2431.
28. Yiwei Wei, Shaozu Yuan, Meng Chen*, Longbiao Wang. “Enhancing Multimodal Alignment with Momentum Augmentation for Dense Video Captioning”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
29. Haoyu Lu, Nan Li∗ , Tongtong Song, Longbiao Wang∗, Jianwu Dang, Xiaobao Wang, Shiliang Zhang. “Speech and Noise Dual-Stream Spectrograms Refiner Network with Speech Distortion Loss for Robust Speech Recognition”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
30. Yuhao Liu, Cheng Gong, Longbiao Wang, Xixin Wu, Qiuyu Liu, Jianwu Dang. “VF-TACO2: Towards Fast and Lightweight Synthesis For Autoregressive Models with Variation Autoencoder and Feature Distillation”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
31. Xiaohui Liu, Meng Liu, Longbiao Wang∗, Kong Aik Lee∗, Hanyi Zhang, Jianwu Dang . “Leveraging Positional-Related Local-Global Dependency for Synthetic Speech Detection". Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
32. Hao Shi, Masato Mimura, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, and Tatsuya Kawahara. “Time-domain Speech Enhancement Assisted by Multi-resolution Frequency Encoder and Decoder”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
33. Zhongjie Li, Bin Zhao, Gaoyan Zhang*, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang*. “Brain network features differentiate intentions from different emotional expressions of the same text”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
34. Meng Liu, Kong Aik Lee*, Longbiao Wang*, Hanyi Zhang, Chang Zeng, Jianwu Dang. “Cross-modal Audio-visual Co-learning for Text-independent Speaker Verification”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
35. Hui Chen, Hanyi Zhang, Longbiao Wang∗, Kong Aik Lee∗, Meng Liu, Jianwu Dang. “Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Speaker Representation with Co-Meta Learning”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
36. Yao Sun, Hanyi Zhang, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee*, Meng Liu, Jianwu Dang. “Noise-Disentanglement metric learning for Robust Speaker Verification”. Proc.of ICASSP 2023:1-5.
37. Xiaobao Wang, Yiqi Dong, Di Jin, Yawen Li*, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang.“Augmenting Affective Dependency Graph via Iterative Incongruity Graph Learning for Sarcasm Detection”. Proc.ofAAAI-23 (CCF-A类会议长文,Oral): 4702-4710
38. Siqing Qin, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li, Yuqin Lin, Jianwu Dang, "Finer-grained modeling units-based meta-learning for low-resource Tibetan speech recognition ", Proc.of Interspeech 2022:2133-2137.
39. Hao Shi, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li, Jianwu Dang, and Tatsuya Kawahara*. “Monaural speech enhancement based on spectrogram decomposition for convolutional neural network-sensitive feature extraction.” Proc.of Interspeech 2022:221-225.
40. Jiaxu He, Cheng Gong, Longbiao Wang*, Di Jin,Xiaobao Wang,Junhai Xu, Jianwu Dang,"Improve emotional speech synthesis quality by learning explicit and implicit representations with semi-supervised training",Proc.of Interspeech 2022:5538-5542.
41. Kai Li, Sheng Li, Xugang Lu, Masato Akagi, Meng Liu, Lin Zhang, Chang Zeng, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang and Masashi Unoki.“Data augmentation using McAdams-coefficient-based speaker anonymization for fake audio detection.” Proc.of Interspeech 2022:664-668.
42. Haoran Yin, Meng Ge, Yanjie Fu, Gaoyan Zhang*, Longbiao Wang*, Lei Zhang, Lin Qiu, Jianwu Dang,“MIMO-DoAnet: Multi-channel Input and Multiple Outputs DoA Network with Unknown Number of Sound Sources.” Proc.of Interspeech 2022:891-895.
43. Xiao Wei, Yuke Si*, Shiquan Wang, Longbiao Wang* and Jianwu Dang,"Hierarchical Tagger with Multi-task Learning for Cross-domain Slot Filling", Proc.of Interspeech 2022:3273-3277.
44. Nan Li, Meng Ge*, Longbiao Wang*, Masashi Unoki, Sheng Li, Jiang Dang "Global Signal-to-noise Ratio Estimation Based on Multi-subband Processing Using Convolutional Neural Network." Proc.of Interspeech 2022:361-365.
45. Yanjie Fu, Meng Ge*, Haoran Yin, Xinyuan Qian, Longbiao Wang*, Gaoyan Zhang, Jianwu Dang. "Iterative Sound Source Localization for Unknown Number of Sources", Proc.of Interspeech 2022:896-900.
46. Junjie Li, Meng Ge, Zexu Pan, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang,"VCSE: Time-Domain Visual-Contextual Speaker Extraction Network", Proc.of Interspeech 2022:906-910.
47. Shiquan Wang, Yuke Si*, Xiao Wei, Longbiao Wang*, Zhiqiang Zhuang, Xiaowang Zhang,Jianwu Dang"TopicKS: Topic-driven Knowledge Selection for Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Generation", Proc.of Interspeech 2022:1121-1125.
48. Qiang Xu, Tongtong Song, Longbiao Wang*, Hao Shi*, Yuqin Lin, Yongjie Lv, Meng Ge, Qiang Yu and Jianwu Dang “Self-Distillation Based on High-level Information Supervision for Compressing End-to-End ASR Model”, Proc.of Interspeech 2022:1716-1720.
49. Tongtong Song, Qiang Xu, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang*, Hao Shi*, Yongjie Lv, Yuqin Lin and Jianwu Dang "Language-specific Characteristic Assistance for Code-switching Speech Recognition", Proc.of Interspeech 2022:3924-3928.
50. Yuan Gao, Shogo Okada*, Longbiao Wang*, Jiaxing Liu, Jianwu Dang, "Domain-invariant Feature Learning For Cross Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition", Proc.of ICASSP 2022:6427-6431.
51. Yaodong Song, Jiaxing Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Ruiguo Yu*, Jianwu Dang, "Multi-stage Graph Representation Learning For Dialogue-level Speech Emotion Recognition", Proc.of ICASSP 2022:6432-6436.
52. Yongjie,Lv, Longbiao Wang*, Meng Ge, Sheng Li*, Chenchen Ding, Lixin Pan,Yuguang Wang, Jianwu Dang, Kiyoshi Honda, "Compressing Transformer-based ASR Model by Task-driven Loss and Attention-based Multi-level Feature Distillation",Proc.of ICASSP 2022:7992-7996.
53. Kaili Zhang, Cheng Gong, Wenhuan Lu*, Longbiao Wang*, Jianguo Wei, Dawei Liu, "Joint And Adversarial Training With Asr For Expressive Speech Synthesis", Proc.of ICASSP 2022:6322-6326.
54. Jianshu Qi, Yuke Si*, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, "Cache: Modeling Contribution-aware Context Hierarchically For Long-range Dialogue State Tracking", Proc.of ICASSP 2022:6697-6701.
55. Xiangyu Zhao, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, "Improving Dialogue Generation Via Proactively Querying Grounded knowledge", Proc.of ICASSP 2022:6577-6581.
56. Hanyi Zhang, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee*,Meng Liu, Jianwu Dang,Hui Chen, "Learning Domain- Invariant Transformation For Speaker Verification", Proc. of ICASSP 2022:7177-7181.
57. Meng Ge, Chenglin Xu*, Longbiao Wang*, Eng Siong Chng, Jianwu Dang, Haizhou Li, "L-SpEx:Localized Target Speaker Extraction", Proc.of ICASSP 2022 :7287-7291.
58. Cheng Gong, Longbiao Wang*, zhenhua Ling, Ju Zhang, Jianwu Dang, "Using Multiple Reference Audios And Style Embedding Constraintsfor Speech Synthesis", Proc. of ICASSP 2022:5724-5728.
59. Junjie Li, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Deep Multi-task Cascaded Acoustic Echo Cancellation and Noise Suppression” , Proc.of ISCSLP 2022.
60. Yanbing Yang, Hao Shi, Yuqin Lin, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Qingzhi Hou, Jianwu Dang, “Adaptive Attention Network with Domain Adversarial Training for Multi-Accent Speech Recognition” , Proc.of ISCSLP 2022.
61. Hao Shi, Yuchun Shu, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, Tatsuya Kawahara, “Fusing Multiple Bandwidth Spectrograms for Improving Speech Enhancement”, Proc.of APSIPA ASC 2022 .
62. Hao Shi, Longbiao Wang, Sheng Li, Jianwu Dang, Tatsuya Kawahara, “Subband-based Spectrogram Fusion for Speech Enhancement by Combining Mapping and Masking Approaches” , Proc.of APSIPA ASC 2022 .
63. Xiaohui Liu, Meng Liu, Lin Zhang, Linjuan Zhang, Chang Zeng, Kai Li, Nan Li, Kong Aik Lee, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Deep Spectro-temporal Artifacts for Detecting Synthesized Speech” , Proc.of DDAM 2022 .
64. Nan Li, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, “Dual-stream Speech Dereverberation Network Using Long-term and Short-term Cues”, Proc.of IJCNN 2022.
65. Yibo Wu, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee*, Meng Liu, Jianwu Dang, "Joint Feature Enhancement and Speaker Recognition with Multi-Objective Task-Oriented Network," Proc. of Interspeech 2021:1993-1997.
Yuan Gao, JiaXing Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, "Metric Learning Based Feature Representation with Gated Fusion Model for Speech Emotion Recognition," Proc. of Interspeech 2021:616-620.
66. Jiaxing Liu, Yaodong Song, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang and Ruiguo Yu, "Time-Frequency Representation Learning with Graph Convolutional Network for Dialogue-level Speech Emotion Recognition," Proc. of Interspeech 2021:591-595.
67. Li Tang , Yuke Si, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, "Domain-Specific Multi-Agent Dialog Policy Learning in Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Scenarios," Proc. of Interspeech 2021. :256-260.
68. Xudong Dai, Cheng Gong, Longbiao Wang* and Kaili Zhang, "Information Sieve: Content Leakage Reduction in End-to-End Prosody Transfer for Expressive Speech Synthesis," Proc. of Interspeech 2021:131-135.
69. Cheng Gong, Longbiao Wang*, Ju Zhang*, Shaotong Guo, Yuguang Wang and Jianwu Dang, "TacoLPCNet: Fast and Stable TTS by Conditioning LPCNet on Mel Spectrogram Predictions," Proc. of Interspeech 2021:111-115.
70. Hao Shi*, Longbiao Wang, Sheng Li, Cunhang Fan, Jianwu Dang, Tatsuya Kawahara, "Spectrograms Fusion-based End-to-end Robust Automatic Speech Recognition," Proc. of APSIPA 2021 : 438-442.
71. Sen Chen, Zhilei Liu*, Jiaxing Liu , Zhengxiang Yan, Longbiao Wang*. Talking Head Generation with Audio and Speech Related Facial Action Units. submitted to In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021
72. Luya Qiang, Hao Shi, Meng Ge*, Haoran Yin, Nan Li, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li, Jianwu Dang: Speech Dereverberation Based on Scale-aware Mean Square Error Loss. Proc.of ICONIP 2021:55-63.
73. Haoran Yin, Hao Shi, Longbiao Wang*, Luya Qiang, Sheng Li, Meng Ge, Gaoyan Zhang, Jianwu Dang: Simultaneous Progressive Filtering-based Monaural Speech Enhancement. Proc. of ICONIP 2021:213-221.
74. Dawei Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li, Haoyu Li, Chenchen Ding, Ju Zhang, Jianwu Dang: Exploring Effective Speech Representation via ASR for High-Quality End-to-End Multispeaker TTS. Proc. of ICONIP 2021:110-118.
75. Meng Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee*, Hanyi Zhang, Chang Zeng, Jianwu Dang: DeepLip: A Benchmark for Deep Learning-Based Audio-Visual Lip Biometrics. ASRU 2021:122-129.
76. Mengxin Chai, Shaotong Guo, Cheng Gong*, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, Ju Zhang:learning language and speaker information for code-switch speech synthesis with limited data,Proc. of ASRU 2021:602-609.
77. Ruifang Wang, Ruifang He*, Longbiao Wang, Yuke Si, Huanyu Liu, Haocheng Wang, Jianwu Dang:Exploiting Explicit and Inferred Implicit Personas for Multi-turn Dialogue Generation. NLPCC (1) 2021: 493-504
78. Hanyi Zhang, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee2*, Meng Liu, Jianwu Dang, Hui Chen, "Meta-learning for cross-channel speaker verification," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 5839-5843
79. Cheng Gong, Longbiao Wang*, Zhenhua Ling*, Shaotong Guo, Ju Zhang, Jianwu Dang, "Improving naturalness and controllability of sequence-to-sequence speech synthesis by learning local prosody representation," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 5724-5728
80. Meng Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee*, Xuanda chen, Jianwu Dang, "Replay-attack detection using features with adaptive spectro-temporal resolution," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 6374-6378
81. Meng Ge, Chenglin Xu*, Longbiao Wang*, Eng Siong Chng, Jianwu Dang, Haizhou Li, " Multi-stage Speaker Extraction with Utterance and Frame-Level Reference Signals," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 6109-6113
82. Lili Guo, Longbiao Wang*, Chenglin Xu, Jianwu Dang*, Eng Siong Chng and Haizhou Li, "Representation Learning with Spectro-Temporal-Channel Attention for Speech Emotion Recognition," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 6304-6308
83. Jiaxing Liu, Sen Chen, Longbiao Wang*, Zhilei Liu*, Yahui Fu, Lili Guo, Jianwu Dang, "Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Capsule Graph Convolutional Based Representation Fusion," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 6339-6343
84. Yuan Gao, Jiaxing Liu, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang, "Domain-Adersarial Autoencoder with Attention Based Feature Level Fusion for Speech Emotion Recognition," Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 6314-6318
85. Li N , Wang L , Unoki M , et al. "Robust voice activity detection using a masked auditory encoder based convolutional neural network"Proc. of ICASSP 2021: 6828-6832
86. Ruifang Wang, Ruifang He*, Longbiao Wang*, Yuke Si, Huanyu Liu, Haocheng Wang, Jianwu Dang, "Implicit personas inference with vmf for explicit persona-based dialogue generation," submitted to NAACL 2021.
87. Yahui Fu, Shogo Okada*, Longbiao Wang*, Lili Guo, Yaodong Song, Jiaxing Liu, Jianwu Dang,"CONSK-GCN:Conversational Semantic-and Knowledge-oriented Graph Convoltuion Network for multimodal emotion recognition," Proc. of ICME 2021: 1-6
88. X. Zhao, L. Wang*, R. He*, T. Yang, J. Chang and R. Wang, "Multiple Knowledge Syncretic Transformer for Natural Dialogue Generation," Proc. of WWW 2020: 752-762.
89. Y. Si, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, M. Wu and A. Li, "A Hierarchical Model for Dialog Act Recognition Considering Acoustic and Lexical Information",Proc. of ICASSP 2020: 7994-7998
90. H. Shi, L. Wang*, M. Ge, S. Li*, J. Dang, "Spectrograms Fusion with Minimum Difference Masks Estimation for Monaural Speech Dereverberation", Proc. of ICASSP 2020: 7544-7548
91. J. Liu, Z. Liu*, L. Wang*, L. Guo and J. Dang, "Speech Emotion Recognition with Local-global Aware Deep Representation Learning", Proc. of ICASSP 2020: 7174-7178
92. Y. Lin, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, S. Li and C. Ding, “End-to-end Articulatory Modeling for Dysarthric Articulatory Attribute Detection”, Proc. of ICASSP 2020: 7349-7353
93. J. Liu, Z. Liu*, L. Wang*, Y, Gao, L. Guo and J. Dang, "Temporal Attention Convolutional Network for Speech Emotion Recognition with Lattent Representation", Proc. of Interspeech, 2020 : 2337-2341
94. D. Zhou, L. Wang*, K. Lee,Y. Wu, M. Liu, J. Dang* and J. Wei, "Dynamic Margin Softmax Loss for Speaker Verification", Proc. of Interspeech 2020: 3800-3804
95. H. Zhang, L. Wang*, Y. Zhang*, M. Liu, K. Lee and J. Wei, "Adversarial Separation Network for Speaker Recognition", Proc. of Interspeech 2020: 951-955
96. M. Ge, C. Xu*, L. Wang*, E. S. Chng, J. Dang and H. Li, “SpEx+: A Complete Time Domain Speaker Extraction”, Proc. of Interspeech 2020: 1406-1410
97. H. Shi, L. Wang, S. Li, C. Ding, M. Ge, N. Li, J. Dang, H. Seki, “Singing Voice Extraction with Attention based Spectrograms Fusion”, Proc. of Interspeech 2020: 2412-2416
98. Y. Lin, L. Wang, S. Li, J. Dang and C. Ding, “Staged Knowledge Distillation for End-to-End Dysarthric Speech Recognition and Speech Attribute Transcription”, Proc. of Interspeech, 2020: 4791-4795
99. Z. Zhang, G. Zhang, J. Dang, S. Wu, D. Zhou, L. Wang, "EEG-based Short-time Auditory Attention Detection using Multi-task Deep Learning", Proc. of Interspeech 2020: 2517-2521
100. Ruiteng Zhang , Jianguo Wei , Wenhuan Lu , Longbiao Wang, Meng Liu , Lin Zhang, Jiayu Jin , Junhai Xu,“ARET: Aggregated Residual Extended Time-delay Neural Networks for Speaker Verification”, Proc. of Interspeech 2020: 946-950
101. Shaotong Guo, Longbiao Wang*, Sheng Li, Ju Zhang*, Cheng Gong, Yuguang Wang, Jianwu Dang, Kiyoshi Honda : Investigation of Effectively Synthesizing Code-switched Speech Using Highly Imbalanced Mix-lingual Data. ICONIP 2020: 36-47
102. Dao Zhou, Longbiao Wang*, Kong Aik Lee, Meng Liu, and Jianwu Dang : Deep Discriminative Embedding with Ranked Weight for Speaker Verication. ICONIP 2020: 79-86
103. Mengfei Wu, Longbiao Wang*, Yuke Si, Jianwu Dang : Adversarial Shared-Private Attention Network for Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection ICONIP 2020: 626-634
104. Ting Yang,Ruifang He,Longbiao Wang *,Xiangyu Zhao,Jiangwu Dang: Hierarchical Interactive Matching Network for Multi-turn Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots. ICONIP 2020: 24-35
105. Yu Jiang , Meng Ge , Longbiao Wang,∗ , Jianwu Dang, Kiyoshi Honda , Sulin Zhang , Bo Yu:A Pitch-aware Speaker Extraction Serial Network. APSIPA 2020: 616-620
106. Liu, Chunlei , L. Wang , and J. Dang, "Masking based Spectral Feature Enhancement for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA) IEEE, 2020: 287-291
107. Chunlei Liu, Longbiao Wang and Jianwu Dang, “Amplitude Consistent Enhancement for Speech Dereverberation”, Proceedings of the 2020 6th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2020: 412-417
108. Lili Guo, Longbiao Wang*, Jianwu Dang*, et al. Speaker aware speech emotion recognition by fusing amplitude and phase information. Proceedings of MMM 2020: 14-25.
109. Zhilei Liu, Jiahui Dong, Cuicui Zhang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang: Relation Modeling with Graph Convolutional Networks for Facial Action Unit Detection. Proc. of MMM 2020: 489-501.
110. Yahui Fu, Lili Guo, Longbiao Wang *,Zhilei Liu, and Jiaxing Liu, Jianwu Dang;A Sentiment Similarity-oriented Attention Model with Multi-task Learning for Text-based Emotion. Proc. of MMM 2020: 278-289
111. Mengfei Wu, Longbiao Wang*, Yuke Si, Jianwu Dang, “Dialogue Act Recognition using Branch Architecture with Attention Mechanism for Imbalanced Data”, Proc. of ISCSLP 2020:1-5
112. Jiaxing Liu, Zhilei Liu, Longbiao Wang, Lili Guo, Jianwu Dang; Time-Frequency Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition Integrating Self-attention[C]// International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Springer, Cham, 2019: 681-689.
113. Nan Li, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang:A Fast Convolutional Self-attention Based Speech Dereverberation Method for Robust Speech Recognition. Proc. of ICONIP 2019: 295-305.
114. Jinxin Chang. Ruifang He, Longbiao Wang, Ruifang Wang, Xiangyu Zhao. Ting Yang. Static-Dynamically Attentive Variational Network for Dialogue Generation. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2019: 24-31. (CCF-C).
115. Y. Yao, Q. Yu, L. Wang, J. Dang, Robust Sound Event Classification with Local Time-Frequency Information and Convolutional Neural Networks. ICANN 2019: 351-361
116. Lixin Pan, Sheng Li, Longbiao Wang* and Jianwu Dang, Effective training End-to-End ASR systems for low-resource Lhasa dialect of Tibetan language, APSIPA 2019: 1152-1156.
117. J. Chang, R. He*, L. Wang*, X. Zhao, T. Yang and R. Wang. “A Semi-Supervised Stable Variational Network for Promoting Replier-Consistency in Dialogue Generation”. Proc. of EMNLP 2019: 1920-1930.
118. J. Chang, R. He*, H. Xu, K. Han, L. Wang*, X. Li and J. Dang. "NVSRN: A Neural Variational Scaling Reasoning Network for Initiative Response Generation". Proc. of ICDM 2019: 51-60.
119. M. Ge, L. Wang*, N. Li, H. Shi, J. Dang, X. Li,"Environment-dependent Attention-driven Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Speech Enhancement", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2019: 3153-3157.
120. Y. Si, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, M. Wu and A. Li, "CNN-BLSTM Based Question Detection from Dialogs Considering Phase and Context Information",Proc. ofINTERSPEECH 2019:3995-3999.
121. Y. Yao, Q. Yu, L. Wang, J. Dang, "A Spiking Neural Network with Distributed Keypoint Encoding for Robust Sound Recognition", Proc. of IJCNN, 2019 : 1-8.
122. M. Liu, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, S. Nakagawa, H. Guan and X. Li, "Replay Attack Detection Using Magnitude and Phase Information with Attention-based Adaptive Filters", Proc. of ICASSP 2019: 6201-6205.
123. Q. Yu, Y. Yao, L. Wang, H. Tang, J. Dang, J, "A Multi-spike Approach for Robust Sound Recognition", Proc. of ICASSP 2019: 890-894.
124. M. Liu, L. Wang*, Z. O, J. Dang*, D. Li and S. Nakagawa, "Replay Attacks Detection Using Phase and Magnitude Features with Various Frequency Resolutions", Proc. of ISCSLP, 2018: 329-333.
125. D. Li, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, M. Ge and H. Guan, "Distant-talking Speech Recognition Based on Multi-objective Learning using Phase and Magnitude-based Feature", Proc. of ISCSLP, 2018: 394-398.
126. M. Ge, L. Wang*, S. Nakagawa, Y. Kawakami, J. Dang and X. Li. "Pitch Synchronized Relative Phase with Peak Error Detection For Noise-robust Speaker Recognition" Proc. of ISCSLP, 2018: 156-160.
127. Q. Yu, L. Wang and J. Dang, "Efficient Multi-Spike Learning with Tempotron-like LTP and PSD-like LTD", Proc. of ICONIP, 2018: 545-554.
128. L. Zhang, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, L. Guo, Q. Yu and H. Guan. "Convolutional Neural Network with Spectrogram and Perceptual Features for Speech Emotion Recognition ", Proc. of ICONIP, 2018: 62-71.
129. L. Zhang, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, L. Guo and Q. Yu, "Gender-Aware CNN-BLSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition", Proc. of ICANN, 2018: 782-790.
130. D. Li, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, M. Liu, Z. Oo, S. Nakagawa, H. Guan and X. Li, "Multiple Phase Information Combination for Replay Attacks Detection", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2018: 656-660.
131. B. Zhao, J. Huang, G. Zhang, J. Dang, M. Chen, Y. Fu. and L. Wang, "Revealing Spatiotemporal Brain Dynamics of Speech Production Based on EEG and Eye Movement", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2018:1427-1431.
132. L. Guo, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, L. Zhang, H. Guan and X. Li, "Speech emotion recognition by combining amplitude and phase information using convolutional neural network" Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2018:1611-1615.
133. L. Guo, L. Wang*, J. Dang*, L. Zhang and H. Guan, "A feature fusion method based on extreme learning machine for speech emotion recognition", Proc. of ICASSP 2018: 2666-2670.
134. F. Guo, R. He, D. Jin, J. Dang, L. Wang and X. Li, "Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition using Neural Tensor Network with Interactive Attention and Sparse Learning", Proc. of COLING, 2018: 547-558.
135. R. He, X. Zhang, D. Jin, L. Wang, J. Dang and X. Li, "Interaction-Aware Topic Model for Microblog Conversations through Network Embedding and User Attention", Proc. of COLING, 2018: 1398-1409.
136. D. Jin, M. Ge, L. Yang, D. He, L. Wang and W. Zhang, "Integrative Network Embedding via Deep Joint Reconstruction", Proc. of IJCAI, 2018: 3407-3413.
137. Q. Yu, L. Wang* and J. Dang, "Neuronal Classifier for both Rate and Timing-Based Spike Patterns", Proc. of ICONIP, 2017: 759-766.
138. C. Zhao, L. Wang*, Dang J, "Phonemic Restoration Based on the Movement Continuity of Articulation", Proc. of ICONIP, 2017: 870-879.
139. Shen T, L. Wang*, X. Chen, et al, "Exploiting the Tibetan Radicals in Recurrent Neural Network for Low-Resource Language Models", Proc. of ICONIP, 2017: 266-275.
140. L. Wang*, K. Phapatanaburi, Z. Go, et al, "Phase aware deep neural network for noise robust voice activity detection", Proc. of ICME, 2017: 1087-1092.
141. C. Zhao, L. Wang, J. Dang, R. Yu, "Prediction of F0 based on articulatory features using DNN", Proc. of ISSP, 2017.
142. H. Guan, Z. Liu, L. Wang, J. Dang, R. Yu, "Speech Emotion Recognition Considering Local Dynamic Features", Proc. of ISSP, 2017.
143. M. Yuan, L. Wang, H. Wang, J. Dang, R. Yu, "Articulatory Features for Robust Intelligibility Assessment of Dysarthria Speech", Proc. of ISSP, 2017.
144. T. Shen, L. Wang, X. Chen, K. Khysru, J. Dang, R. Yu, "Tibetan language model based on recurrent neural network", Proc. of ISSP, 2017.
145. Jian Li, Hongcui Wang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, Kuntharrgyal Khyuru, Gyaltsen Lobsang: Exploring tonal information for Lhasa dialect acoustic modeling. ISCSLP 2016: 1-5
146. Zhaofeng Zhang, Xiong Xiao, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, Masahiro Iwahashi, Eng Siong Chng, Haizhou Li: Multi-channel feature adaptation for robust speech recognition. ISCSLP 2016: 1-5
147. Z. Oo, Y. Kawakami, L. Wang, S. Nakagawa, X. Xiao and M. Iwahashi, " DNN-based Amplitude and Phase Feature Enhancement for Noise Robust Speaker Identification ", Proc. of Interspeech 2016: 2204-2208.
148. Y. Wang, S. Yu, W. Li, L. Wang and Q. Liao, "Face recognition with local contourlet combined patterns" Proc. of ICASSP 2016: 1274-1278.
149. S. Zhao, X. Xiao, Z. Zhang, T. Nguyen, X. Zhong, B. Ren, L. Wang, et al, "Robust speech recognition using beamforming with adaptive microphone gains and multichannel noise reduction" Proc. of ASRU, 2015: 460-467.
150. Z. Zhang, J. Deng, L. Wang and X. Xiao, "A Spectrum Smoothing Method for Speaker Verification", Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2015: 1291-1295.
151. B. Ren, L. Wang, Y. Ueda, A. Kai and Z. Zhang, "Speech selection and environmental adaptation for asynchronous speech recognition," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2015: 119-124.
152. Z. Ding, L. Zhang, L. Wang, W. Li, " Dual-channel speech separation using interaural time difference with Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model", Proc. of ITMI, 2015:1157-1163.
153. L. Wang, Y. Yoshida, Y. Kawakami and S. Nakagawa, "Relative phase information for detecting human speech and spoofed speech", Proc. of Interspeech 2015: 2092-2096.
154. L. Wang, Bo Ren, Y. Ueda, A. Kai, S. Teraoka and F. Fukushima, "Denoising autoencoder and environment adaptation for distant-talking speech recognition with asynchronous speech recording," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2014: 1-5.
155. Z. Zhou, Z. Ding, W. Li, Z. Wu, L. Wang and Q. Liao, "Performance comparison of local directional pattern to local binary pattern in off-line signature verification system", Proc. of CISP, 2014: 308-312.
156. Z. Zhou, Z. Ding, W. Li, Z. Wu, L. Wang and Q. Liao, "Multi-channel speech enhancement using sparse coding on local time-frequency structures", Proc. of Interspeech 2014: 2824-2827.
157. Y. Ueda, L. Wang, A. Kai, X. Xiao, E. Chng and H. Li, "Single-channel dereverberation for distant-talking speech recognition by combining denoising autoencoder and temporal structure normalization", Proc. of ISCSLP, 2014: 379-383.
158. S. Shiota, L. Wang, K. Odani, A. Kai and W. Li, "Distant-talking speech recognition using multi-channel LMS and multiple-step linear prediction", Proc. of ISCSLP, 2014: 384-388.
159. Hirano, K. Lee, Z. Zhang, L. Wang and A. Kai, "Single-sided Approach to Discriminative PLDA Training for Text-Independent Speaker Verification without Using Expanded I-vector", Proc. of ISCSLP, 2014: 59-63.
160. L. Liu, Z. Ding, W. Li, L. Wang and Q. Liao, "Speech Enhancement via Low-rank Matrix Decomposition and Image Based Masking", Proc. of ISCSLP, 2014: 389-392.
161. Y. Kawakami, L. Wang, A. Kai and S. Nakagawa, “Speaker Identification by Combining Various Vocal Tract and Vocal Source Features”, Proc. of TSD, 2014: 382-389.
162. Y. Jiang, Y. Wu, W. Li, L. Wang and Q. Liao, "Log-domain polynomial filters for illumination-robust face recognition," Proc. of IEEE ICASSP 2014: 504-508.
153. C. Wang, W. Li, L. Wang and Q. Liao, "An effective framework of IBP for single facial image super resolution," Proc. of ICMT, 2013: 993-1000.
163. L. Wang, K. Odani, A. Kai and W. Li, "Speech Recognition Using Blind Source Separation and Dereverberation Method for Mixed Sound of Speech and Music," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2013: 1-4.
164. Y. Kawakami, L. Wang, and S. Nakagawa, "Speaker identification using pseudo pitch synchronized phase information in noisy environments," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2013: 1-4.
165. M. Zhang, W. Li, L. Wang, J. Wei, Z. Wu and Q. Liao, "Sparse Coding for Sound Event Classification," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2013: 1-5.
166. M. Zhang, W. Li, L. Wang, J. Wei, Z. Wu and Q. Liao, "Frequency-domain Dereverberation on Speech Signal using Surround Retinex," Proc. of APSIPA, 2013: 1-5.
167. Z. Yang, Y. Wu, Y. Jiang, Y. Zhou, L. Wang, W. Li and Q. Liao, "Local consistency preserved coupled mappings for low-resolution face recognition", Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2013: 1-4.
168. T. Yamada, L. Wang and A. Kai, "Improvement of distant-talking speaker identification using bottleneck features of DNN", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2013: 3661-3664.
169. L. Wang, Z. Zhang and A. Kai, "Hands-free speaker identification based on spectral subtraction using a multi-channel least mean square approach", Proc. of IEEE ICASSP 2013: 7224-7228.
170. W. Li, L. Wang, F. Zhou and Q. Liao, "Joint sparse representation based cepstral-domain dereverberation for distant-talking speech recognition", Proc. of ICASSP 2013: 7117-7120.
171. L. Wang, Z. Zhang, A. Kai and Y. Kishi, "Distant-talking speaker identification using a reverberation model with various artificial room impulse responses", Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2012.
172. Z. Zhang, L. Wang and A. Kai, "Dereverberantion based on Generalized Spectral Subtraction for Distant-talking Speaker Recognition", Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2012.
173. Y. Hirano, L. Wang, A. Kai and S. Nakagawa, "On the Use of Phase Information-based Joint Factor Analysis for Speaker Verification under Channel Mismatch Condition", Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2012.
174. K. Odani, L. Wang and A. Kai, "Speech Recognition by Denoising and Dereverberation Based on Spectral Subtraction in a Real Noisy Reverberant Environment", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2012: 1251-1254.
175. K. Odani, L. Wang and A. Kai, "Blind Dereverberation Based on Generalized Spectral Subtraction by Multi-channel LMS Algorithm", Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2011.
176. L. Wang, K. Odani and A. Kai, "Evaluation of Hands-free Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition by Blind Dereverberation Based on Spectral Subtraction by Multi-channel LMS Algorithm", Proc. of TSD, 2011: 131-138.
177. J. Ema, L. Wang, A. Kai and T. Itoh, "Investigation of driving-behavior modeling for recognition of a driving situation," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2010: 161-164.
178. Y. Jang, A. Kai and L. Wang, "Multimodal interface with N-best display including candidates of spoken word fragments," Proc. of APSIPA ASC, 2010: 478-481.
179. Y. Jiang, Z. Tang and L. Wang, "Compensation approaches for distant Speaker identification under reverberant environments", Proc. of CCPR, 2010: 70-74.
180. L. Wang, K. Minami, K. Yamamoto, S. Nakagawa, "Speaker identification by combining MFCC and phase information in noisy environments", Proc. of ICASSP 2010: 4502-4505.
181. L. Wang, Y. Kishi, A. Kai, "Distant speaker recognition based on the automatic selection of reverberant environments using GMMs", Proc. of CCPR, 2009: 954-958.
182. L. Wang, S. Nakagawa, "Speaker identification/verification for reverberant speech using phase information", Proc. of WESPAC, 2009.
183. Y. Jang, A. Kai, L. Wang, "Speech interface for isolated words based on combination of search candidates from the common parts", Proc. of WESPAC, 2009.
184. L. Wang, S. Ohtsuka, S. Nakagawa, "High improvement of speaker identification and verification by combining MFCC and phase information",Proc. of ICASSP 2009: 4529-4532.
185. L. Wang, S. Nakagawa, N. Kitaoka, "Blind Dereverberation Based on CMN and Spectral Subtraction by Multi-channel LMS Algorithm", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2008: 1032-1035.
186. L. Wang, S. Nakagawa, N. Kitaoka, "Robust distant speech recognition by combining variable-term spectrum based position-dependent CMN with conventional CMN", Proc. of Asian Workshop on Speech Science and Technology, 2008: 63-68.
187. J. Zhang, L. Wang, S. Nakagawa, "LVCSR based on context dependent syllable acoustic models", Proc. of Asian Workshop on Speech Science and Technology, 2008: 81-86.
188. N. Alberto, L. Wang, K. Yamamoto, S. Nakagawa, "Sound source localization by distributed microphone network", Proc. of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, 2008: 383-386.
189. L. Wang, S. Nakagawa, N. Kitaoka, "Blind dereverberation based on spectral subtraction by multi-channel LMS algorithm for distant-talking speech recognition", Proc. of LangTech, 2008: 15-18.
190. S. Nakagawa, K. Asakawa, L. Wang, "Speaker recognition by combining MFCC and phase information", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2007: 2005-2008.
191. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust speech recognition by combining short-term spectrum based CMN with long-term spectrum based CMN", Proc. of JCA, 2007: 2-13.
192. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust Distant Speech Recognition by Combining Position-Dependent CMN with Conventional CMN", Proc. of ICASSP 2007: 817-820.
193. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Analysis of Effect of Compensation Parameter Estimation for CMN on Speech/Speaker Recognition", Proc. of ISSPA, 2007: 1-4.
194. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust Distant Speech Recognition Based on Position Dependent CMN Using a Novel Multiple Microphone Processing Technique", Proc. of INTERSPEECH2005 : 2661-2664, 2005.
195. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust Distant Speaker Recognition Based on Position Dependent Cepstral Mean Normalization", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2005: 1977-1980.
196. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust distant speaker recognition based on position dependent CMN by combining speaker-specific GMM with speaker adapted syllable-based HMM", Proc. of HSCMA, 2005: 15-16.
197. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust Distant Speech Recognition based on Position Dependent CMN", Proc. of INTERSPEECH 2004: 2409-2052.
198. L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Distant Speech Recognition based on Position Dependent Cepstral Mean Normalization", Proc. of SIP, 2004: 249-254.
199. L. Wang, N. Kakutani, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa, "Robust speech recognition in distant environment based on speaker position and speaking direction detection", Proc. of ICA, 2004: 2825-2828.