
Contact Information
Email: losin@ xpjurl.com
Phone: (+86) 18649079199,Wechat: 2381535802
Office: Room No. A402, Building 55
Beiyangyuan Campus, Tianjin University

Guangquan Xu(许光全) was born in June 1979, who is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Tianjin University. He is a IET Fellow, a senior member of China Computer Federation, a member of IEEE, a member of Chinese Society of Image and Graphics, and a member of China Cyberspace Security Association. He is also the director of the Academic Committee of Tianjin Key Laboratory of Laser Printing Technology Enterprises, the academic committee member of Guangxi Key Laboratory of Cross-Border E-commerce Intelligent Information Processing, the member of China Unicom's "Modern Network Security Industrial Chain" Expert Advisory Committee, Shao Xing Smart Society Intelligent Monitoring and Prevention Key Deputy Director of the Laboratory Academic Committee. He is Currently working in the Department of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, deputy director of the Institute of Software and Information Security Engineering, director of the China Information Security Evaluation Center (Tianjin) Branch Center-Tianjin University Network Security Joint Laboratory, Saining-Tianjin University Network Attack and Defense Joint Experiment Director. He is mainly engaged in research work on intelligent (smart society) social collaborative governance, research directions include trust management, network and information security, security privacy and trust, trusted computing, artificial intelligence security, etc. Sina, Sohu, Jinyun, Xinhua News Agency and other media conducted relevant special reports, and at the same time were invited to participate in the People's Daily to publish a themed article on "Progress of the New Infrastructure Plan". Participated in the security test of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, and successfully discovered security loopholes, and carried out repairs and corresponding disposals. He has long been engaged in research work related to trust, security and privacy in smart spaces, published 2 books, and published more than 150 papers in IEEE TDSC, TIFS, etc., among which he has published more than 50 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author in the past five years, ESI 1 hot paper, 4 highly cited papers, 1157 SCI citations, 13 national invention patents authorized, selected as IET Fellow. Won the 2020 Ministry of Education Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award for Scientific and Technological Progress, the 2019 Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award, and the 2022 Chinese Institute of Electronics Natural Science Award. Currently, he works as deputy director of Software and Information Security Engineering Institute of Intelligence and Computing Faculty of Tianjin University, Director of Network Security Joint Laboratory of China Information Security Evaluation Center (Tianjin) Branch Center and Tianjin University, and Director of Network Attack and Defense Joint Laboratory of Sening and Tianjin University. His research interests include trust management, network and information security, security privacy and trust, trusted computing, artificial intelligence security, etc. He has been featured by People's Daily, Sci-Tech China, Sina, Sohu, Jinyun, Xinhua News Agency and other media for many times. At the same time, he was invited to participate in the People's Daily internal article "New infrastructure plan process". Participated in the security tests for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, successfully discovered the security loopholes, repaired them and dealt with them accordingly. He has been engaged in the research on trust, security and privacy in intelligent space for a long time, published 2 books, published more than 150 papers in IEEE TDSC, TIFS, etc. In the last five years, he has published more than 50 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author, 1 ESI hot paper, 4 highly cited papers, and 1157 SCI citations. He has authorized 13 national invention patents and has been selected as IET Fellow. He won the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education in 2020, the first prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019, and the third prize of Natural Science Award of China Electronics Society in 2022.

Recent News and Publications

  • 01/01/2023:由许光全教授主持的国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目"基于区块链的云边端安全协同与可信交互理论及关键技术"(项目编号:U22B2027),目前正式获批。
  • 12/10/2022:由许光全教授带领的天津大学“DIE2022战队”在“第五空间”网络安全大赛中脱颖而出,一举获得学生组冠军。这也是天津高校历年来在大赛中取得的最好成绩。相关链接://wap.peopleapp.com/article/6891416/6754811
  • 01/12/2022:由许光全教授主持的科技部国家重点研发计划子课题"全要素高效能可信分布式隐私训练框架" (项目编号:2022YFB310210002),目前正式获批。
  • 9/24/2021:由许光全教授申请的国家自然科学基金面上项目"可信图数据构建理论及关键技术研究"(项目资助号:62172297),日前正式获批。该项目主要研究针对图数据的机器学习防御体系,将打破传统方法“数据与模型分离”的桎梏,融合数据本身与机器学习模型为统一的智能系统。本项目的顺利实施,将在一定程度上缓解原生机器学习内生安全问题,开辟一条构建下一代可信可管可控人工智能技术的重要途径。
  • 6/29/2021:中国信息安全测评中心(天津)分中心-天津大学网络安全联合实验室是专门从事网络空间安全相关课题研究,也是天津大学专注于网络安全的实验室,我们注重培养学生网络攻防、黑客技术、渗透测试等方面的动手能力,提供安全实践机会,欢迎有志于国家网络空间安全伟大事业的同学们跟我们联系,欢迎读研(夏令营、保研、考研)或优秀本科生来实验室深造或交流,提供优厚的待遇和深造机会。联系人:许光全,18649079199(微信同号),email:[email protected].
  • 8/31/2021:由许光全教授提出的稀疏信任数据挖掘创新性研究工作,历经近三年的研究、论文撰写、修改等,今日在系统安全领域唯二的CCF A类期刊IEEE TIFS正式出版,敬请各位同行批评指正。[R] Pengli Nie, Guangquan Xu*, Litao Jiao, Shaoying Liu, Jian Liu*, Weizhi Meng, Hongyue Wu*, Meiqi Feng, Weizhe Wang, Zhengjun Jing, and Xi Zheng, Sparse Trust Data Mining, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (Early Access ), 31 August 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2021.3109412. (CCF A类期刊,Top期刊)
  • 4/27/2021: 澳门新葡京网址(亚洲)登录入口 许光全教授团队领衔完成的“端管云一体化协同认知的工业物联网态势安全关键技术及应用”项目荣获科学技术进步奖二等奖。天大新闻网 澳门新葡京网址 官网
  • 7/13/2016:热烈祝贺课题组5篇(其中4篇SCI、1篇顶会)学术论文“Fepchecker: An Automatic Model Checker for Verifying Fairness and Non-Repudiation of Security Protocols in Web Service”、“Privacy Protection Method Based on Two-Factor Authentication Protocol in FRID Systems”、“MP-MID: Multi-Protocol Oriented Middleware-level Intrusion Detection Method for Wireless Sensor Networks”、“TextTrust: Computing Trust Score by Mining Text Reviews”、“AMTS: Adaptive Multi-objective Task Scheduling Strategy in Cloud Computing”分别被“International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering”、“IEICE  Trans. on Information and Systems”、“Future Generation Computer Systems”、“AAAI WIT-EC 2016”、“China Communications”接受/出版,祝贺各位老师和同学。
  • 1/20/2016:祝贺:实验室硕士生任言、张高旭顺利毕业,参加了学校毕业典礼,典礼后,实验室全体举行了为任言、张高旭两位同学送别的欢乐聚餐,祝二位同学今后一切顺利,常回家看看。
  • 1/11/2016: 1月11日许光全应邀赴北京邮电大学网络教育学院进行考察交流,并与北邮在线网络科技有限公司常务副总、互联网金融学院执行院长陈晓华就人才培养合作等相关事宜进行座谈。座谈后,许光全被聘北邮在线特聘专家,聘期三年。新闻链接
  • 11/19/2015:喜讯:经过连续36小时的苦战,由任言、贺艺雄、刘彬、王冉、白裕德、赵仁等组成的TJUNSA队在2015年度XCTF国际联赛福州站比赛中,在超过1500多支参赛队伍(其中包括300多支国际队伍)中获得26(大陆高校约为第10),特此鼓励。新闻链接
  • 11/19/2015: 祝贺:网络安全协会王冉、黄书涵、王一情代表我团队参加在杭州举行的由“第八届中国计算机网络与信息安全学术会议”发起举办的“首届信息安全技术创新创业大赛”,获得三等奖,他们的题目是“三维动态验证码的识别与破解 ”,特此鼓励。
  • 11/3/2015: 祝贺:实验室张高旭获得国家奖学金,值得大家学习。希望师弟师妹能够再接再厉,明年我们有更多的国奖获得者。
  • 10/19/2015: 祝贺:10月17日至18日,天津大学网络安全协会组队(前进队)参加了中国信息安全职业技能竞赛(ISG),并且在641只参赛队伍中脱颖而出,成功杀入前20,获得了第18名的好成绩。新闻链接
  • 09/15/2015: 许光全主持的国家基金面上项目“稀疏信任理论及应用研究”(No. 61572355)获批, 项目执行期2016.1~2019.12.
  • 09/07/2015:Our paper titled by " PEM4RFID: Privacy Enhancement Model for RFID Systems" was accepted by ICA3PP 2015, a CCF-C conference.
  • 09/07/2015:Our paper titled by "A Novel Framework for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network" was accepted by IEEE BigDataSecurity 2015.
  • 09/07/2015:Our paper titled by " Towards Trustworthy Participants in Social Participatory Networks" was accepted by IEEE CSCloud 2015.
  • 07/16/2015: 许光全应邀主持将于8.9~13期间在北京举办的著名普适计算会议UIC2015 S&P session, 该会议是CCF C类会议。
  • 07/08/2015: 广东爱乐世高新科技服务有限公司CEO舒磊教授应邀作题为“物联网与众包技术在大型石化企业中的应用”的学术报告,课题组约30人参加了报告会。
  • 07/06/2015: 实验室案例交流会今日在25b407举行,天津大学网络安全协会和攻防俱乐部成员与校外专家进行了深度讨论交流。类似活动将以例会的形式固定下来,欢迎更多网络攻防爱好者加入我们。
  • 07/06/2015: Our paper titled by "HyCPK: Securing Identity Authentication in ubiquitous computing" was accepted by UIC2015, a CCF-C tier conference.
  • 05/30/2015: 本着白帽精神,为应对由匿名者组织、发起的针对我国的本轮网络攻击,本实验室在此期间愿意无偿提供援助。请有需要的机构和个人跟我们联系-----天津大学网络安全实验室。
  • 05/30/2015: 网络安全,美国下一个淘金热。目前新华网的一篇文章引起国内安全从业者的共鸣。我们认为,网络安全产业和绿色能源将是21世纪剩下大部分时空内的两大主流之一,而在能源领域,能源互联网的热潮方兴未艾。因此,归根结底,在未来相当长的一段时间内,将是网安天下。相关链接
  • 05/01/2015: 国务院网信办咨询专家中科院信息安全国家重点实验室吕述望教授应本实验室邀请,于4月17日上午在25B407作了题为“数字世界网络互联安全问题初探”的学术报告,报告会后网络安全联合实验室举行了聘任吕述望教授为顾问的简短仪式。本实验室师生约30余人参加了报告会。新闻链接
  • 05/01/2015:依托本实验室的天津大学网络安全协会于2015年4月19日下午开展了网络攻防俱乐部成员选拔活动,共11名本协会会员参与了该活动。这标志着天津大学网络攻防俱乐部正式组建完成。新闻链接
  • 03/20/2015: [纳新] 依托本研究所的天津大学网络安全协会将于2015-3-21日在大活纳新,欢迎有志于网络安全、黑客技术的同学们前来报名,过期没有报上名的可以直接联系我。
  • 03/20/2015: 研究生招生。歡迎已通过面试的准研究生和有意愿继续深造的本科生跟我联系,欢迎对计算机安全、网络攻防、黑/红客技术方向感兴趣的同学跟我联系,提供优厚条件和发展机会。
  • 祝贺:我们申请的天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划一般项目“面向可伸缩云服务的云资源自适应管理与协同调度研究 ”获得资助,该项目研究成果将主要应用在异构大数据采集和应急响应领域,有可能移植到其他类似的便携终端应用中。
  • 12/19/2014:Our paper "Attack Tree Based Android Malware Detection with Hybrid Analysis" has been published by IEEE TrustCom 2014.
  • 12/19/2014: Our paper has been eventually published in printed version by SCN journal, "Unified Threat Model for Analyzing and Evaluating Software Threats".
  • 研究所学生任言、赵帅、刘斌组成的“前进队”参加清华大学与Ixia公司联合主办、《网络世界》报社承办的2014全国高校网络靶场挑战赛 ,以半道题之差 惜败清华大学“零号小队”,获得亚军,并赢得主办方奖励的12000元奖金,特此祝贺。新闻链接
  • 12/11/13: Our work "Research on the Automatic Evolution Reputation Mechanisms for Socialization Software Systems Based on OpenAPI" has been supported by NSFC, RMB 170000, 2014.1~2014.12.
  • 12/03/13: A good and successful academic exchange at Waseda University, Japan, with Pro. Jin Qun.
  • 12/03/13: Congratulations on the successful defense for their MS theses: Xiuming Tian and Rui Xu, congratulations.
  • 12/01/13: Xiuming Tian has won the National Scholarship for Postgraduate/Graduate students, congratulations!
  • 12/01/13: New version of my homepage is online.
  • 09/29/13: Our paper has been published by JIT, ''Personalized Recommendation Based on Information Flow in Data Intensive Services".
  • 07/01/13: Paper published in ACM/Springer PUC journal, "An Algorithm on Fairness Verification of Mobile Sink Routing in Wireless Sensor Network."
  • 04/15/13: Visiting Hosei University for one year as HIF Fellow, cooperated with Pro. Shaoying Liu.
  • 02/01/13: Our paper has been published by Appl. Math. Inf. Sci., "TPS_DR: A Universal Reducing Algorithm on Optimal Trust
    Path Selection in Complex Sensor Network