


最新文章发表:Zhang R, Qing Xu, Peng Z, et al. Transfer Entropy Based Causality from Head Motion to Eye Movement for Visual Scanning in Virtual Driving[J]. bioRxiv, 2022: 2022.10. 10.511531.

最新文章发表:Peng Z, Qing Xu, Zhang R, et al. Eye movement based information system indicates human behavior in virtual driving[J]. bioRxiv, 2022: 2022.07. 18.498964.

最新文章发表:Feixas M, Bardera A, Rigau J, Qing Xu, et al. Information theory tools for image processing[M]. Springer Nature, 2022.

最新文章发表:Tang Z, Qing Xu, Wu P, et al. Feedback refined local-global network for super-resolution of hyperspectral imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(8): 1944.

最新文章发表:Hao J, Liu S, Qing Xu. Controlling eye blink for talking face generation via eye conversion[M]//SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Technical Communications. 2021: 1-4.

最新文章发表:Lv Z, Qing Xu, Schoeffmann K, et al. A jensen-shannon divergence driven metric of visual scanning efficiency indicates performance of virtual driving[C]//2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). IEEE, 2021: 1-6.

最新文章发表:Wu M, Liu S, Qing Xu. Improved divergence‐free smoothed particle hydrodynamics via priority of divergence‐free solver and SOR[J]. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2021, 32(3-4): e2006.

最新文章发表:Lv Z, Qing Xu, Schoeffmann K, et al. Transfer Entropy Based Causality From Head Motion To Eye Movement[J]. bioRxiv, 2021: 2021.03. 11.434910.

最新文章发表:Lv Z, Qing Xu, Schoeffmann K, et al. New Measures of Visual Scanning Efficiency and Cognitive Effort[J]. bioRxiv, 2020: 2020.11. 17.386185.

最新文章发表:Hu X, Qing Xu, Guo Y. Trajectory anomaly detection based on the mean distance deviation[C]//International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020: 140-147.